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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Matthew Judon. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2022

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De interés – Sexta semana

POTENCIA OFENSIVA EN KANSAS CITYKANSAS CITY CHIEFS (4-1) está listo para recibir a BUFFALO BILLS (4-1) en una revancha del memorable choque divisional de la temporada pasada. Los equipos entran al enfrentamiento del domingo (4:25 PM, hora de New York, CBS) como las dos mejores ofensivas anotadoras en la liga, con Kansas City promediando 31.8 puntos por partido y Buffalo 30.4. Bills también ingresa en la sexta semana empatado en puntos permitidos en la liga (12.2 por partido).  

El del domingo marcará el primer partido desde 2019 (Baltimore contra San Francisco en la semana 13) con las dos mejores ofensivas en puntos anotados de la liga en la sexta semana o más tarde.

Esta será la quinta vez que JOSH ALLEN y PATRICK MAHOMES se enfrentarán como mariscales de campo titulares opuestos, incluyendo postemporada, con Kansas City ganando cuatro de los primeros cinco encuentros. En los enfrentamientos previos, Allen totalizó 12 anotaciones (11 pasando, una acarreando) y un índice de pasador de 105.1, mientras que Mahomes registró 11 anotaciones (10 pasando, una acarreando) y un índice de pasador de 108.1.

Mahomes ingresa en la sexta semana como líder de la liga en pases anotadores (15) esta temporada, mientras que Allen se ubica segundo con 14. Esto marca el primer partido desde 2011 (AARON RODGERS contra MATTHEW STAFFORD en la semana 12) con los dos líderes de la liga en pases anotadores en la sexta semana o más tarde.

El ala cerrada de Kansas City TRAVIS KELCE lidera la liga con siete recepciones anotadoras esta temporada, tras convertirse la semana pasada en el cuarto ala cerrada en la historia, y primero desde JIMMIE GILES en 1985, con cuatro recepciones anotadoras en un solo partido. Marcó el noveno partido de su carrera con múltiples recepciones anotadoras.

Con dos recepciones anotadoras el domingo, Kelce puede convertirse en el sexto ala cerrada en la era del Super Bowl con múltiples recepciones anotadoras en 10 o más partidos de su carrera.

Los alas cerradas con las mayores cantidades de partidos con múltiples recepciones anotadoras en la era del Super Bowl:

Antonio GatesSan Diego/L.A. Chargers21
Rob GronkowskiNew England, Tampa Bay20
Tony GonzálezHOFKansas City, Atlanta18
Jimmy GrahamNew Orleans, Seattle, Chicago17
Jerry SmithWashington10
Travis KelceKansas City9*
*Ingresando en la sexta semana 

Kelce puede también convertirse en el cuarto jugador en la era del Super Bowl en marcar nueve recepciones anotadoras en los primeros seis partidos de su equipo de una temporada, uniéndose a HAROLD JACKSON (1973), al miembro del Salón de la Fama CALVIN JOHNSON (2011) y a JULIUS THOMAS (2014).

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de recepciones anotadoras en los primeros seis partidos de su equipo de una temporada en la era del Super Bowl:

Harold JacksonL.A. Rams19739
Calvin JohnsonHOFDetroit20119
Julius ThomasDenver20149
Travis KelceKansas City20227*
*Ingresando en la sexta semana


-- NFL --

EMPLUMADOS Y LETALESPHILADELPHIA EAGLES (5-0) es el único equipo invicto que queda en la NFL, y es un equipo que terminó con un diferencial de intercambios de balón positivo en cada una de sus cinco victorias de la temporada.

En el clásico de domingo en la noche Sunday Night Football (8:20 PM, hora de New York, NBC) contra Dallas, Eagles puede convertirse en el cuarto equipo en la era del Super Bowl en comenzar una temporada con marca de 6-0 y tener un diferencial positivo de intercambios de balón en cada victoria.

Los equipos que ganaron cada uno de sus primeros seis partidos de una temporada y tienen un diferencial positivo de intercambios de balón en cada victoria en la era del Super Bowl:

Green Bay2015
Los Angeles Rams1973
*5-0 llegando a la sexta semana

El mariscal de campo JALEN HURTS la semana pasada registró el séptimo partido de su carrera con al menos dos acarreos anotadores, empatando la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños por un mariscal de campo en la historia de la NFL. Además, lidera a todos los mariscales de campo con seis acarreos anotadores durante la temporada de 2022.

Con un acarreo anotador contra Dallas, Hurts puede convertirse en el primer mariscal de campo con siete acarreos anotadores en los primeros seis partidos de su equipo de una temporada en la era del Super Bowl.

Los mariscales de campo con las mayores cantidades de acarreos anotadores en los primeros seis partidos de su equipo de una temporada en la era del Super Bowl:

Jalen HurtsPhiladelphia20226*
Kyler MurrayArizona20206
Robert Griffin IIIWashington20126
Cam NewtonCarolina20116
Kordell StewartPittsburgh19976
*Ingresando en la sexta semana

Adicionalmente, con un acarreo anotador, Hurts puede sumarse a KYLER MURRAY (2020) y CAM NEWTON (2011) como los únicos mariscales de campo en la historia con algún acarreo anotador en cinco de sus seis primeros partidos de una temporada.


-- NFL --

PARSONS, LA ESTRELLA. El apoyador de segundo año de Dallas MICAH PARSONS en la quinta semana registró dos capturas, además de capturas múltiples en tres de sus primeros cinco partidos esta temporada. Con dos capturas en Philadelphia el domingo en la noche (8:20 PM, hora de New York, NBC), Parsons puede sumarse a ELVIS DUMERVIL (2009) y al miembro del Salón de la Fama KEVIN GREENE (1998) como los únicos jugadores en registrar al menos dos capturas en cuatro de los primeros seis partidos de su equipo en una temporada desde 1982, cuando la captura individual se convirtió en estadística oficial.

Parsons tiene seis partidos en su carrera con al menos dos capturas, empatado con NICK BOSA y T.J. WATT para la mayor cantidad de tales desempeños desde el comienzo de la temporada de 2021. Con su próximo partido de dos o más capturas, puede igualar a JASON PIERRE-PAUL (siete) y J.J. WATT (siete) para la cuarta mayor cantidad de partidos por un jugador en sus primeras dos temporadas en la NFL desde 1982, cuando la captura individual se convirtió en estadística oficial.

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos con al menos dos capturas en sus primeras dos temporadas en la NFL desde 1982:

Aldon SmithSan Francisco9
Shawne MerrimanSan Diego Chargers8
Reggie WhiteHOFPhiladelphia8
Jason Pierre-PaulNew York Giants7
J.J. WattHouston7
Micah ParsonsDallas6*
*En su segunda temporada


 -- NFL --

EL MEJOR PERRO DE PRESA. El corredor de Cleveland NICK CHUBB ingresa en la sexta semana encabezando la liga con 593 yardas por tierra y siete acarreos anotadores. Tiene un acarreo de anotación en cada uno de los últimos cuatro partidos y es el único jugador en la liga con al menos 100 yardas desde la línea de golpeo en cada una de las primeras cinco semanas de la temporada.

Desde que ingresó en la NFL, en 2018, Chubb se ubica segundo entre todos los jugadores con 43 acarreos anotadores. Con algún acarreo anotador contra New England el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS), Chubb se convertirá en el quinto jugador en la historia en marcar al menos ocho acarreos anotadores en cada una de su primeras cinco temporadas, uniéndose a los miembros del Salón de la Fama JIM BROWNEMMITT SMITH y LADAINIAN TOMLINSON, así como también a ADRIAN PETERSON.

Los jugadores con al menos ocho acarreos anotadores en las mayores cantidades de temporadas consecutivas al comenzar sus carreras en la historia de la NFL:

Jim BrownHOFCleveland9 
LaDainian TomlinsonHOFSan Diego Chargers9 
Adrian PetersonMinnesota7 
Emmitt SmithHOFDallas7 
Nick ChubbCleveland4* 
*Tiene siete acarreos anotadores en su quinta temporada  

Como equipo, Cleveland ingresa en la sexta sexta semana con el mejor ataque terrestre de la liga, promediando 192.4 yardas por tierra por partido. También se ubica segundo en la NFL con 10 acarreos anotadores. En cada uno de sus cinco partidos esta temporada, Browns registró al menos 150 yardas por tierra y un acarreo anotador.

Si logra tal hazaña otra vez el domingo, Cleveland puede sumarse a Oakland Raiders de 1971 como los únicos equipos en la era del Super Bowl que marcan al menos 150 yardas por tierra y algún acarreo anotador en cada uno de sus primeros seis partidos de una temporada.


-- NFL --

CMC LO HACE TODO. La semana pasada, el corredor de Carolina CHRISTIAN MCCAFFREY totalizó 54 yardas por tierra y 50 yardas recibiendo, en su cuarto partido consecutivo con al menos 100 yardas desde la línea de golpeo. También marcó el partido Nº 23 de su carrera con al menos 50 yardas por tierra y 50 yardas recibiendo. Desde que ingresó en la liga, en 2017, es uno de dos jugadores (ALVIN KAMARA) con al menos 3,000 yardas por tierra (3,911) y 3,000 yardas recibiendo (3,203).

Con al menos 50 yardas por tierra y 50 yardas recibiendo en Los Angeles Rams el domingo (4:05 PM, hora de New York, FOX), McCaffrey superará a TIKI BARBER (23 partidos) y al miembro del Salón de la Fama LADAINIAN TOMLINSON (23) para la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños en la historia. Solamente el miembro del Salón de la Fama MARSHALL FAULK (41) tiene más.

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos con al menos 50 yardas por tierra y 50 yardas recibiendo en la historia de la NFL:

Marshall FaulkHOFIndianapolis, St. Louis Rams41
Tiki BarberN.Y. Giants23
Christian McCaffreyCarolina23
LaDainian TomlinsonHOFSan Diego Chargers, N.Y. Jets23

-- NFL --

VOLVIÉNDOSE GOLOSO. El receptor de Minnesota JUSTIN JEFFERSON esta temporada lidera la liga con 547 yardas recibiendo y se ubica segundo con 40 recepciones. Registró 12 recepciones para 154 yardas en la quinta semana tras totalizar 10 recepciones para 147 yardas en la cuarta semana.

Jefferson puede convertirse en el cuarto jugador en la historia en marcar al menos 10 recepciones y 125 yardas recibiendo en tres partidos consecutivos, uniéndose a BRETT PERRIMAN (1995), ANDRE JOHNSON (2008) y MICHAEL THOMAS (2019).

Los jugadores con al menos 10 recepciones y 125 yardas recibiendo en tres partidos consecutivos en la historia de la NFL:

Brett PerrimanDetroit19953
Andre JohnsonHouston20083
Michael ThomasNew Orleans20193
Justin JeffersonMinnesota20222*
*Racha activa   

La semana pasada marcó el sexto partido de Jefferson en su carrera con al menos 150 yardas recibiendo, empatando la mayor cantidad en la historia por un jugador en sus primeras tres temporadas. Con al menos 150 yardas recibiendo en Miami el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX), Jefferson superará a los miembros del Salón de la Fama LANCE ALWORTH (seis partidos) y RANDY MOSS (seis) para la mayor cantidad de partidos con al menos 150 yardas recibiendo por un jugador en sus primeras tres temporadas en la historia de la NFL.

-- NFL --

HEY, NOVATO. El mariscal de campo novato de Pittsburgh KENNY PICKETT, seleccionado con el turno global Nº 20 en el Sorteo Universitario de la NFL de 2022, registró 327 yardas aéreas en la primera titularidad de su carrera la semana pasada.  

Con al menos 300 yardas aéreas contra Tampa Bay el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX), Pickett se convertirá en el cuarto mariscal de campo novato en la historia con al menos 300 yardas aéreas en cada una de sus primeras dos titularidades en su carrera, uniéndose a JUSTIN HERBERT (2020), KYLER MURRAY (2019) y CAM NEWTON (2011).

El corredor novato de New York Jets BREECE HALL, fichado con el turno global Nº 36 en el Draft 2022, esta temporada lidera a todos los novatos con 488 yardas desde la línea de golpeo (275 acarreando, 213 recibiendo). La semana pasada, estableció una marca de novatos de Jets con 197 yardas desde la línea de golpeo (100 recibiendo, 97 acarreando) y un acarreo anotador en el triunfo de su equipo.

Con al menos 75 yardas por tierra y 75 yardas recibiendo en otro partido esta temporada, Hall puede convertirse en el quinto novato en la era del Super Bowl con al menos 75 yardas por tierra y 75 yardas recibiendo en múltiples partidos, uniéndose a los miembros del Salón de la Fama MARSHALL FAULK (1994) y EDGERRIN JAMES (1999), así como también a MEWELDE MOORE (2004) y FRED TAYLOR (1998).

El esquinero novato de Jets SAUCE GARDNER, fichado con la cuarta selección global en el Draft 2022, es uno de tres jugadores en la liga con algún pase defendido en cada una de las primeras cinco semanas de la temporada.

Con un pase defendido en Green Bay el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX), Gardner se sumará a DESMOND TRUFANT (2013) como los únicos jugadores desde 2000 con algún pase defendido en cada uno de los primeros seis partidos de su carrera.

El novato esquinero de Seattle TARIQ WOOLEN, fichado en la quinta vuelta en el Draft 2022, esta temporada lidera a todos los novatos con tres intercepciones y registró una intercepción en cada uno de los últimos tres partidos.

Con alguna intercepción contra Arizona el domingo (4:05 PM, hora de New York, FOX), Woolen se convertirá en el tercer novato desde 2000 en marcar una intercepción en al menos cuatro partidos consecutivos, uniéndose a JAIRUS BYRD (cinco partidos consecutivos en 2009) y JOE HADEN (cuatro juegos seguidos en 2010). 

-- NFL --

Nota: HOF es miembro del Salón de la fama.

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What To Look For - Week 6

OFFENSIVE FIREPOWER IN KC: The KANSAS CITY CHIEFS (4-1) are set to host the BUFFALO BILLS (4-1) in a rematch of last season’s memorable Divisional playoff meeting. The teams enter Sunday’s matchup (4:25 PM ET, CBS) as the top-two scoring offenses in the league, with Kansas City averaging 31.8 points per game and Buffalo averaging 30.4. The Bills also enter Week 6 tied for the top-scoring defense in the league (12.2 points allowed per game).  

Sunday’s meeting will mark the first game since 2019 (Baltimore vs. San Francisco in Week 13) featuring the league’s top-two scoring offense in Week 6 or later.

This will be the fifth time that JOSH ALLEN and PATRICK MAHOMES will face off as opposing starting quarterbacks, including the postseason, with Kansas City winning four of the first five meetings. In the previous matchups, Allen has totaled 12 touchdowns (11 passing, one rushing) and a 105.1 passer rating, while Mahomes has recorded 11 touchdowns (10 passing, one rushing) and a 108.1 passer rating.

Mahomes enters Week 6 as the league-leader in touchdown passes (15) this season, while Allen ranks second with 14. This marks the first game since 2011 (AARON RODGERS vs. MATTHEW STAFFORD in Week 12) featuring the league’s top-two leaders in touchdown passes in Week 6 or later.

Kansas City tight end TRAVIS KELCE leads the league with seven touchdown receptions this season, after becoming the fourth tight end ever and first since JIMMIE GILES in 1985 with four touchdown receptions in a single game last week. It marked his ninth-career game with multiple touchdown receptions.

With two touchdown receptions on Sunday, Kelce can become the sixth tight end in the Super Bowl era with multiple touchdown receptions in 10-or-more career games.

The tight ends with the most games with multiple touchdown receptions in the Super Bowl era:




Antonio Gates

San Diego/L.A. Chargers


Rob Gronkowski

New England, Tampa Bay


Tony GonzalezHOF

Kansas City, Atlanta


Jimmy Graham

New Orleans, Seattle, Chicago


Jerry Smith






Travis Kelce

Kansas City


*Entering Week 6



Kelce can also become the fourth player in the Super Bowl era to record nine touchdown receptions in his team’s first six games of a season, joining HAROLD JACKSON (1973), Pro Football Hall of Famer CALVIN JOHNSON (2011) and JULIUS THOMAS (2014).

The players with the most touchdown receptions in their team’s first six games of a season in the Super Bowl era:





Harold Jackson

L.A. Rams



Calvin JohnsonHOF




Julius Thomas








Travis Kelce

Kansas City



*Entering Week 6

-- NFL --

FEATHERED AND LETHAL: The PHILADELPHIA EAGLES (5-0) are the NFL’s last remaining undefeated team and have finished with a positive turnover differential in each of their five wins this season.

On Sunday Night Football (8:20 PM ET, NBC) against Dallas, the Eagles can become the fourth team in the Super Bowl era to begin a season with a 6-0 record and have a positive turnover differential in each victory.

The teams to win each of their first six games of a season and have a positive turnover differential in each win in the Super Bowl era:



Green Bay


Los Angeles Rams








*5-0 entering Week 6

Quarterback JALEN HURTS recorded his seventh career game with at least two rushing touchdowns last week, tied for the second-most such games by a quarterback in NFL history, and leads all quarterbacks with six rushing touchdowns during the 2022 season.

With a rushing touchdown against Dallas, Hurts can become the first quarterback with seven rushing touchdowns in his team’s first six games of a season in the Super Bowl era.

The quarterbacks with the most rushing touchdowns in their team’s first six games of a season in the Super Bowl era:





Jalen Hurts




Kyler Murray




Robert Griffin III




Cam Newton




Kordell Stewart




*Entering Week 6

Additionally, with a rushing touchdown, Hurts can join KYLER MURRAY (2020) and CAM NEWTON (2011) as the only quarterbacks ever with a rushing touchdown in five of their team’s first six games of a season.

-- NFL --

PRIMETIME PARSONS: Dallas second-year linebacker MICAH PARSONS recorded two sacks in Week 5 and has recorded multiple sacks in three of his first five games this season. With two sacks at Philadelphia on Sunday Night Football (8:20 PM ET, NBC), Parsons can join ELVIS DUMERVIL (2009) and Pro Football Hall of Famer KEVIN GREENE (1998) as the only players to record at least two sacks in four of their team’s first six games of a season since 1982, when the individual sack became an official statistic.

Parsons has six career games with at least two sacks, tied with NICK BOSA and T.J. WATT for the most such games since the beginning of the 2021 season. With his next game of two-or-more sacks, he can tie JASON PIERRE-PAUL (seven) and J.J. WATT (seven) for the fourth-most such games by a player in his first two NFL seasons since 1982, when the individual sack became an official statistic.

The players with the most games with at least two sacks in their first two NFL seasons since 1982:




Aldon Smith

San Francisco


Shawne Merriman

San Diego Chargers


Reggie WhiteHOF



Jason Pierre-Paul

New York Giants


J.J. Watt






Micah Parsons



*In second season

-- NFL --

TOP DAWG: Cleveland running back NICK CHUBB enters the week leading the league with 593 rushing yards and seven rushing touchdowns. He has rushed for a touchdown in each of the last four games and is the only player in the league with at least 100 scrimmage yards in each of the first five weeks of the season.

Since entering the NFL in 2018, Chubb ranks second among all players with 43 rushing touchdowns. With a rushing touchdown against New England on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, CBS), Chubb will become the fifth player ever to record at least eight rushing touchdowns in each of his first five seasons, joining Pro Football Hall of Famers JIM BROWNEMMITT SMITH and LADAINIAN TOMLINSON, as well as ADRIAN PETERSON.

The players with at least eight rushing touchdowns in the most consecutive seasons to begin their careers in NFL history:




Jim BrownHOF



LaDainian TomlinsonHOF

San Diego Chargers


Adrian Peterson



Emmitt SmithHOF






Nick Chubb



*Has seven rushing touchdowns in fifth season



As a team, Cleveland enters Week 6 with the league’s top rushing attack, averaging 192.4 rushing yards per game. They also rank second in the NFL with 10 rushing touchdowns. In each of their five games this season, the Browns have recorded at least 150 rushing yards and a rushing touchdown.

If they accomplish the feat again on Sunday, Cleveland can join the 1971 Oakland Raiders as the only teams in the Super Bowl era to record at least 150 rushing yards and a rushing touchdown in each of their first six games of a season.

-- NFL --

CMC DOES IT ALL: Last week, Carolina running back CHRISTIAN MCCAFFREY totaled 54 rushing yards and 50 receiving yards, his fourth-consecutive game with at least 100 scrimmage yards. It also marked his 23rd-career game with at least 50 rushing yards and 50 receiving yards. Since entering the league in 2017, he is one of two players (ALVIN KAMARA) with at least 3,000 rushing yards (3,911) and 3,000 receiving yards (3,203).

With at least 50 rushing yards and 50 receiving yards at the Los Angeles Rams on Sunday (4:05 PM ET, FOX), McCaffrey will surpass TIKI BARBER (23 games) and Pro Football Hall of Famer LADAINIAN TOMLINSON (23) for the second-most such games all-time. Only Pro Football Hall of Famer MARSHALL FAULK (41) has more.

The players with the most games with at least 50 rushing yards and 50 receiving yards in NFL history:




Marshall FaulkHOF

Indianapolis, St. Louis Rams


Tiki Barber

N.Y. Giants


Christian McCaffrey



LaDainian TomlinsonHOF

San Diego Chargers, N.Y. Jets


-- NFL --

GETTING GRIDDY: Minnesota wide receiver JUSTIN JEFFERSON leads the league with 547 receiving yards this season and ranks second with 40 receptions. He recorded 12 receptions for 154 yards in Week 5 after totaling 10 catches for 147 yards in Week 4.

Jefferson can become the fourth player ever to record at least 10 receptions and 125 receiving yards in three consecutive games, joining BRETT PERRIMAN (1995), ANDRE JOHNSON (2008) and MICHAEL THOMAS (2019).

The players with at least 10 receptions and 125 receiving yards in three consecutive games in NFL history:





Brett Perriman




Andre Johnson




Michael Thomas

New Orleans







Justin Jefferson




*Active streak




Last week marked Jefferson’s sixth-career game with at least 150 receiving yards, tied for the most ever by player in his first three seasons. With at least 150 receiving yards in Miami on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX), Jefferson will surpass Pro Football Hall of Famers LANCE ALWORTH (six games) and RANDY MOSS (six) for the most games with at least 150 receiving yards by a player in his first three seasons in NFL history.

-- NFL --

HEY, ROOKIE: Pittsburgh rookie quarterback KENNY PICKETT, the No. 20 overall pick in the 2022 NFL Draft, recorded 327 passing yards in his first-career start last week.  

With at least 300 passing yards against Tampa Bay on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX), Pickett will become the fourth rookie quarterback ever with at least 300 passing yards in each of his first two career starts, joining JUSTIN HERBERT (2020), KYLER MURRAY (2019) and CAM NEWTON (2011).

New York Jets rookie running back BREECE HALL, the No. 36 overall pick in the 2022 NFL Draft, leads all rookies with 488 scrimmage yards (275 rushing, 213 receiving) this season. Last week, he set a Jets rookie record with 197 scrimmage yards (100 receiving, 97 rushing) and a rushing touchdown in the team’s win.

With at least 75 rushing yards and 75 receiving yards in another game this season, Hall can become the fifth rookie in the Super Bowl era with at least 75 rushing yards and 75 receiving yards in multiple games, joining Pro Football Hall of Famers MARSHALL FAULK (1994) and EDGERRIN JAMES (1999), as well as MEWELDE MOORE (2004) and FRED TAYLOR (1998).

Jets rookie cornerback SAUCE GARDNER, the No. 4 overall pick in the 2022 NFL Draft, is one of three players in the league with a pass defensed in each of the first five weeks of the season.

With a pass defensed at Green Bay on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX), Gardner will join DESMOND TRUFANT (2013) as the only players since 2000 with a pass defensed in each of their first six career games.

Seattle rookie cornerback TARIQ WOOLEN, a fifth-round selection in the 2022 NFL Draft, leads all rookies with three interceptions this season and has recorded an interception in each of the last three games.

With an interception against Arizona on Sunday (4:05 PM ET, FOX), Woolen will become the third rookie since 2000 to record an interception in at least four consecutive games, joining JAIRUS BYRD (five consecutive games in 2009) and JOE HADEN (four consecutive games in 2010).

Los 11 titulares – Espectáculos dobles, regresos y reuniones emergen en la sexta semana de la NFL

Algo tiene que suceder.

El cronograma de la sexta semana incluye dos partidos que involucran a equipos con cuatro o más victorias, y los cuatro clubes en esos partidos vienen de victorias destacables.

  • BUFFALO (4-1) viaja a KANSAS CITY (4-1) el domingo (4:25 PM, hora de New York, CBS) en revancha de su duelo de postemporada 2021 que muchos denominaron como el más grandioso en la historia de la NFL. En 2022, Chiefs (31.8 puntos por partido) y Bills (30.4) lideran la liga en puntos anotados, mientras que la defensiva de Buffalo (12.2) está empatada para la menor cantidad de puntos permitidos por partido.
  • Entonces, el clásico de domingo en la noche Sunday Night Football (8:15 PM, hora de New York, NBC), DALLAS (4-1) visita a PHILADELPHIA (5-0) en una batalla temprana por la supremacía de la NFC Este. Eagles encabeza la NFL en índice de entrega de balón (+9) mientras que Cowboys (+5) está empatado en el segundo puesto. Cada club tiene apenas dos entregas, empatando la menor cantidad en la liga.

Esto marca apenas la segunda vez en las últimas 43 temporadas (1980-2022) en que múltiples partidos de sexta semana emparejan a equipos con al menos cuatro victorias. En la sexta semana de la temporada 2020, Kansas City (4-1) obtuvo un triunfo 26-17 visitando a Buffalo (4-1), mientras que Pittsburgh (4-0) registró una victoria 38-7 sobre Cleveland (4-1).

También en el foco de lo importante de la sexta semana: una de las marcas más gloriosas, rostros familiares en sitios conocidos y equipos sorpresivos dejando su huella. Preparen las palomitas de maíz y siéntense cómodos para un fin de semana repleto de emociones.

Los 11 Titulares ingresando en la sexta semana…

1.     PAPÁ OSO A LA VISTABILL BELICHICK, de los Patrios, y quien fungió como entrenador en jefe de Brown en 1991-95, tiene 323 triunfos combinados en temporada regular y postemporada. Esta semana, tiene la oportunidad de empatar al miembro del Salón de la Fama GEORGE HALAS (324) para segundo puesto en victorias en la historia de la liga cuando NEW ENGLAND (2-3) viaje a CLEVELAND (2-3) el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS). En su 28º año como entrenador en jefe de la NFL, Belichick ingresa en esta semana con marca en su carrera de 323-159 (.670), incluyendo postemporada. El miembro del Salón de la Fama DON SHULA (347) ostenta la marca histórica en victorias en su carrera. 2.     FIN DE SEMANA DE REUNIONESJOE BURROW JA'MARR CHASE regresan a Louisiana con CINCINNATI BENGALS (2-3), que tiene una cita con NEW ORLEANS SAINTS (2-3) el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS). La última vez que Burrow y Chase jugaron el estadio donde Saints juega de local, el 13 de enero de 2020, lideraron a LSU a un título nacional universitario con un triunfo 42-25 sobre Clemson. Burrow lanzó 463 yardas y cinco anotaciones, dos a Chase, que registró nueve recepciones para 221 yardas. … Chase fue a la preparatoria a 10 minutos de los cuarteles generales de Saints, en Metairie, La., y también jugó en el domo siendo jugador de segundo año en preparatoria, cuando sus Archbishop Rummel Raiders perdieron ante CLYDE EDWARDS-HELAIRE y los Catholic Bears de Baton Rouge en su partido por el título estadual de 2015. … Además del regreso de Belichick a Cleveland y del partido Burrow-Chase en New Orleans, la sexta semana tiene otros tres retornos notables.

  • En el clásico de jueves en la noche Thursday Night Football (8:15 PM, hora de New York, Prime Video), el entrenador en jefe de Washington, RON RIVERA, retorna a Chicago, donde cumplió funciones como coordinador defensivo (2004-06), jugó nueve temporadas (1984-92) y ganó un anillo de Super Bowl XX con los famosos Bears de 1985.
  • El entrenador en jefe de San Francisco, KYLE SHANAHAN, hace su primer viaje a Atlanta el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX) desde que fungió como coordinador ofensivo de Falcons en 2015-16.
  • ROBERT SALEH y MATT LAFLEUR el domingo se encuentran como entrenadores en jefe por primera ocasión, cuando Jets (3-2) enfrente a Packers (3-2) en Lambeau Field (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX). Padrinos uno del otro en sus respectivas bodas, fueron también compañeros de cuarto mientras eran como asistentes en Central Michigan en 2004-05. El hermano menor de LaFleur, MIKE LAFLEUR, es el coordinador ofensivo de Jets.

3.     NÚMERO DE LA SEMANA – 3. El número de temporadas desde la fusión de la liga, en 1970, en las que cada equipo de la NFL tuvo al menos un triunfo ingresando en la sexta semana: 1990, 2018 y 2022. 4.     EN LA MARQUESINA – ENFRENTAMIENTO INDIVIDUAL. Los líderes de la NFL 2022 en pases anotadores, PATRICK MAHOMES (15) y JOSH ALLEN (14), se encuentran el domingo en GEHA Field en Arrowhead Stadium (4:25 PM, hora de New York, CBS). El de Buffalo JORDAN POYER (cuatro) lidera la NFL en intercepciones.

  • Cuando MINNESOTA (4-1) tenga el balón en MIAMI (3-2) el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX), procuren observar un juego de ajedrez entre coordinadores involucrando al receptor JUSTIN JEFFERSON y al esquinero XAVIEN HOWARD. Desde que Vikings fichó a Jefferson en la primera vuelta (Nº 22 global) del Sorteo Universitario de la NFL 2020, lidera la NFL en yardas recibiendo (3,563), incluyendo 547, cifra que encabeza la liga, esta temporada. Jefferson necesita 601 más para superar al miembro del Salón de la Fama RANDY MOSS (4,163) en la mayor cantidad en la historia por un jugador a lo largo de sus primeras tres temporadas en la NFL. También desde que Jefferson ingresó en la liga, en 2020, Howard se ubica empatado en el segundo puesto en la NFL con 40 pases defendidos y tercero con 15 intercepciones.

 5.     EN LA MARQUESINA – ENFRENTAMIENTO DE EQUIPOS. La cita de BALTIMORE RAVENS (3-2) visitando a NEW YORK GIANTS (4-1) el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS), un duelo interconferencia que tiene a dos de los más energéticos jugadores de la primera vuelta del Sorteo Universitario de la NFL 2018. Giants, que está en su mejor arranque desde que abrió una temporada 5-0 en 2009, tiene al líder de ls liga en yardas desde la línea de golpeo, SAQUON BARKLEY (676). Ravens tiene al líder de la liga en yardas por intentos de acarreo, LAMAR JACKSON (7.6). … Ravens está 2-0 en partidos de visitante este año, y 19-7 (.731) total en partidos fuera de casa titularizados por Jackson. Giants está 4-1 en partidos cerrados esta temporada (cada uno de los cinco partidos de New York esta temporada fueron decididos por ocho puntos o menos). 6.     RACHAS QUE HABLANNEW YORK JETS (3-2) pone en riesgo su marca impoluta jugando de visitante cuando visite a GREEN BAY (3-2) el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX). Jets, que se alzó con sendos triunfos luego de sobreponerse a desventajas de 13 y 10 puntos en los respectivos últimos períodos de sus primeros dos partidos de gira, procuran ganar cada una de sus primer tres juegos fuera de casa por primera ocasión desde 2010, su última campaña de postemporada. Ese año, Jets ganó sus primeros cinco duelos de visitante en su camino al Juego de Campeonato de la AFC.

  • MIKE MCCARTHY puede convertirse en uno de los tres entrenadores en jefe en la historia de Cowboys en ganar cuatro partidos consecutivos sobre PHILADELPHIA (5-0), cuando los Eagles reciban a DALLAS (4-1) en el clásico de domingo en la noche Sunday Night Football (8:20 PM, hora de New York, NBC). Solamente JASON GARRETT y el miembro del Salón de la Fama TOM LANDRY ganaron cuatro o más partidos consecutivos sobre Philadelphia siendo entrenadores de Cowboys.

 7.     ¿LO SABÍAS? El mariscal de campo de Seattle GENO SMITH lidera la NFL tanto en índice de pasador (113.2) como en porcentaje de pases completos (75.2). El porcentaje de pases completos de Smith es el cuarto mejor en la historia para un jugador a lo largo de los primeros cinco partidos de su equipo de una temporada (mínimo de 100 intentos). Solamente DREW BREES en 2018 (77.9 por ciento), ALEX SMITH en 2017 (76.6) y el miembro del Salón de la Fama PEYTON MANNING en 2013 (75.8) tuvieron porcentajes de pases completos superiores. Más temprano este mes, el mariscal de Seahawks ganó el segundo premio de Jugador ofensivo de la semana carrera, nueve años después de su primero (en la quinta semana de la temporada 2013). Smith y SEATTLE (2-3) reciben a ARIZONA (2-3) el domingo en Lumen Field (4:05 PM, hora de New York, FOX). 8.     HISTORIA BAJO EL RADAR. Cinco años atrás esta temporada, tanto KENNY PICKETT como TOM BRADY aseguraron victorias significativas en el mismo campo en Pittsburgh. Como jugador de primer año, Pickett tuvo su primera titularidad a nivel universitario en el último partido de la temporad de Pitt y lideró a los Panthers a un triunfo 24-14 sobre los Miami Hurricanes, que estaban ubicados como el segundo mejor equipo. Tres semanas más tarde, en su camino a jugar el Super Bowl LII, Brady guió a New England a 11 puntos en los últimos cuatro minutos, incluyendo dos puntos en ujna conversión a ROB GRONKOWSKI, para darles a Patriots una victoria 27-24 sobre Steelers y asegurar la AFC Este. Los dos mariscales de campo regresan a Acrisure Stadium cuando TAMPA BAY (3-2) se encuentre con PITTSBURGH (1-4) el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, FOX). 9.     TENDENCIA. Los últimos tres campeones del Super Bowl –KANSAS CITY CHIEFS de 2019 (5-0), TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS de 2020 (4-0) y LOS ANGELES RAMS de 2021 (5-2)– tuvieron marca combinada de 14-2 (.875) en el balance de sus temporadas tras sus respectivas semanas libres. Los descansos arrancan esta semana y serán parte del calendario hasta la semana 14. Los 16 equipos estarán jugando durante la semana, la semana de Acción de Gracias. 10.  ESTE MES EN LA HISTORIA DE LA NFL. 5 de octubre de 1992 (30 años atrás) – La última vez que DALLAS y PHILADELPHIA se encontraron dentro de las primeras seis semanas de una temporada con cada equipo teniendo al menos tres victorias. Ese día, la defensiva de Eagles registra cuatro capturas y tres intercepciones en un triunfo 31-7, al tiempo que Philadelphia mejora su registro a 4-0. Después de la derrota, Dallas vuelve por sus fueros para ganar 13 de sus siguientes 15 partidos para asegurar el título en el Super Bowl XXVII. 11.  Y POR ÚLTIMO, PERO NO MENOS IMPORTANTE. La NFC Este incluye a tres equipos con marca de 4-1 o mejor. PHILADELPHIA (5-0) es el único equipo invicto, incluyendo una marca de 3-0 fuera de casa. DALLAS (4-1) ganó cuatro partidos seguidos, incluyendo victorias sobre los dos equipos protagonistas del Super Bowl en la temporada 2021. Y NEW YORK GIANTS (4-1) ostenta triunfos de visitante sobre cada uno de los preclasificados Nº 1 en la postemporada 2021, Tennessee y Green Bay.

  • La NFC Este es apenas la cuarta división desde la realineación de la NFL, en 2002, con tres equipos obteniendo al menos cuatro victorias a lo largo de las primeras cinco semanas de una temporada. Eso también sucedió en 2002 (AFC Oeste), 2008 (NFC Este) y 2020 (AFC Norte).

La National Football League se asocia con el renombrado artista CHITO en una colaboración de mercadeo exclusiva

La colección ostenta dos camisetas edición limitada inspiradas por la bandera mexicana, lanzadas como parte de "Por La Cultura" previo al partido de la NFL en ciudad de México

NEW YORK – 12 de octubre de 2022 – La National Football League (NFL), en colaboración con el renombrado artista CHITO, anuncia el lanzamiento de NFL x CHITO, una línea de mercadeo exclusiva consistente de dos camisetas Mitchell & Ness Legacy edición limitada. Disponible hoy en, la colaboración de diseño es el segundo lanzamiento en la activa colección de mercancía "Por La Cultura" (For The Culture) en la que se destacan renombrados diseñadores latinos.

Fino artista de herencia mexicano-estadounidense, CHITO es oriundo de Seattle con experiencia internacional con raíces en la ciudad de México. Utilizando el estilo de aerógrafo característico del artista, la exclusiva camiseta "Por La Cultura" mantiene el enfoque en la portabilidad, al tiempo que destaca la estructura de las icónicas camisetas de fútbol americano. Las dos camisetas fueron bautizadas "Perch" y "ssss" y atraen la inspiración de los defensores dentro de la bandera mexicana – un águila y una serpiente. Las camisetas también ostentan un parche de poliuretano termoplástico de alta calidad (TPU) en el diseño de la obra de arte con la firma de CHITO "Pup", que puede ser encontrada como lema a lo largo de su trabajo.

"Estoy feliz de crear trabajos devotos a mi práctica combinados con una apreciación de fútbol americano", dijo CHITO. "Los diseños de la camiseta estuvieron inspirados por elementos de la bandera mexicana. Espero que estas piezas inspiren la juventud para seguir en el camino creativo y productivo con su arte porque es importante y te puede llevar a lugares que jamás hubieras imaginado."

La historia de los diseños rinde homenaje a elementos de la bandera mexicana, mientras que la silueta conecta la comunidad con el deporte estadounidense del fútbol americano. Las camisetas también ostentan un parche del escudo de la NFL que celebra la excelencia dentro de las comunidades latinas que continúan moldeando, influenciando y empujando tanto dentro como fuera del campo de juego.

"Nuestra colección de mercancía 'Por La Cultura', en colaboración con el fino artista CHITO, representa el compromiso de la NFL para conmemorar la cultura latina", dijo Javier Farfan, estratega de mercadeo cultural de la NFL. "NFL x CHITO nos permite comprometernos más con la comunidad latina a lo largo de la moda mientras que rinde homenaje a la comunidad mexicana previo al partido de la NFL en la ciudad de México este otoño. Esperamos que nuestros aficionados celebren su orgullo con nosotros."

Además de dos camisetas Mitchell & Ness Legacy edición limitada, este lanzamiento será complementado por una serie de nueve cascos pintados con aerógrafo oficiales que serán exhibidos en el Estadio Azteca en el próximo partido internacional de la NFL en ciudad de México el 21 de noviembre.

Artista autodidacta, CHITO ha mostrado su arte internacionalmente y previamente ha colaborado con Givenchy, Supreme, y Arcteryx.

Campaña de la NFL "Por La Cultura"La National Football League celebra la herencia latina a lo largo del año con su campaña "Por La Cultura", que destaca a los jugadores, entrenadores y miembros de personal latinos, celebra la excelencia latina y cuenta historias auténticas de la comunidad. La iniciativa ofrece una variedad de actividades culturales impulsadas por la comunidad tanto a nivel nacional como a nivel local, y esta temporada incluye asociaciones y actividades diseñadas para contar nuevas historias. Con una vasta y apasionada base de aficionados latinos, así como también varios jugadores, miembros de personal y Leyendas latinas, la NFL y sus clubes están comprometidos para celebrar las diversas culturas dentro de la comunidad.

National Football League Teams Up with Renowned Fine Artist CHITO on Exclusive Merchandise Collaboration

Collection features two limited-edition jerseys inspired by Mexican flag, launches as part of "Por La Cultura" ahead of NFL Mexico City Game

NEW YORK – October 12, 2022 – The National Football League (NFL), in collaboration with renowned fine artist CHITO, announce the launch of NFL x CHITO, an exclusive merchandise line, consisting of two limited-edition Mitchell & Ness Legacy jerseys. Available today on, the designer collaboration is the second release in the ongoing "Por La Cultura" (For the Culture) merchandise collection that shines a light on renowned Latino designers.

A fine artist of Mexican-American heritage, CHITO hails from Seattle with an international practice with roots in Mexico City. Utilizing the artist's signature airbrush style, the exclusive "Por La Cultura" jerseys maintain a focus on wearability while highlighting the structure of the iconic football jersey. The two jerseys are named "Perch" and "ssss" and draw inspiration from defenders within the Mexican flag - an eagle and a serpent. The jerseys also feature a high-quality Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) patch in the design of CHITO's signature "Pup" artwork that can be found as a motif throughout his works.

"I am happy to create works true to my practice combined with an appreciation of American football," said CHITO. "The jersey designs were inspired by elements of the Mexican flag. I hope these pieces inspire the youth to stay creative and productive with their art because it is important and can take you places that you never would have thought."

The story of the prints pays homage to the Mexican flag elements while the silhouette connects the community to the American sport of football. The jerseys also feature a patch of the NFL shield celebrating excellence within the Latino communities that continue to shape, influence, and push it forward both on and off the field.

"Our 'Por La Cultura' merchandise collection in collaboration with fine artist CHITO, represents the NFL's commitment to commemorating Latino culture," said Javier Farfan, Cultural Marketing Strategist at the NFL. "NFL x CHITO allows us to further engage the Latino community through fashion while paying homage to the Mexican community ahead of the NFL's Mexico City game this fall. We look forward to our fans celebrating their pride with us."

In addition to the two limited-edition Mitchell & Ness Legacy jerseys, this release will be complemented by a series of nine official airbrushed helmets that will be displayed at Estadio Azteca for the upcoming NFL international game in Mexico City on November 21.

A self-taught artist, CHITO has shown his artwork internationally and previously collaborated with Givenchy, Supreme, and Arcteryx.

NFL's Por La Cultura CampaignThe National Football League celebrates Latino heritage throughout the year with its "Por La Cultura" campaign, which highlights Latino players, coaches, and staff, celebrates Latino excellence, and tells authentic stories of the community. The initiative features a variety of cultural and community-driven activities at both the national and local level, and this season includes partnerships and activities that are designed to tell new stories. With a large and passionate Latino fanbase, as well as a number of Latino players, personnel, and Legends, the NFL and its clubs are committed to celebrating the diverse cultures within the community.

NFC Players of the Week - Week 5



Tight end TAYSOM HILL of the New Orleans Saints, linebacker MICAH PARSONS of the Dallas Cowboys and kicker CAMERON DICKER of the Philadelphia Eagles are the NFC Offensive, Defensive and Special Teams Players of the Week for games played in Week 5 (October 6, 9-10).


  • Hill set career highs with 112 rushing yards and three rushing touchdowns and added a 22-yard touchdown pass in the Saints’ 39-32 win over Seattle. 
  • He became the third player ever to record at least 100 rushing yards, three rushing touchdowns and a touchdown pass in a single game, joining Ronnie Brown (September 21, 2008) and Pro Football Hall of Famer LaDainian Tomlinson (September 25, 2005).
  • This marks the first career Offensive Player of the Week award for Hill and his second-career Player of the Week award overall, having previously been named Special Teams Player of the Week in Week 14, 2018.
  • Hill becomes the second New Orleans tight end to win the award, joining Jimmy Graham (Week 10, 2012 and Week 3, 2013).


  • Parsons recorded five tackles, two sacks and a forced fumble in the Cowboys’ 22-10 win over the Los Angeles Rams. Parsons has recorded two sacks in three of the first five weeks.
  • This is Parsons’ second-career Defensive Player of the Week award, having previously won the award in Week 8 of the 2021 season.
  • Parsons becomes the third former Nittany Lion linebacker to earn the honor multiple times, joining Tamba Hali (three-time winner) and Sean Lee (three).


  • Making his NFL debut, Dicker converted the game-winning 23-yard field goal with 1:45 remaining in the fourth quarter to help Philadelphia advance to 5-0 for the first time since 2004. He recorded eight total points (two field goals, two point after attempts) in the victory. 
  • He is the second rookie kicker to earn Special Teams Player of the Week honors during the 2022 season, joining Cleveland’s Cade York (Week 1).
  • Dicker is the third former Texas kicker to earn the honor, joining Justin Tucker (11-time winner) and Phil Dawson (six).




Special Teams

Wk 1

RB Saquon Barkley, N.Y. Giants

LB Uchenna Nwosu, Seattle

CB Zech McPhearson, Philadelphia

Wk 2

WR Amon-Ra St. Brown, Detroit

CB Darius Slay, Philadelphia

K Graham Gano, N.Y. Giants

Wk 3

RB Cordarrelle Patterson, Atlanta

DE Brandon Graham, Philadelphia

P Pat O’Donnell, Green Bay

Wk 4

QB Geno Smith, Seattle

LB Haason Reddick, Philadelphia

K Greg Joseph, Minnesota

Wk 5

TE Taysom Hill, New Orleans

LB Micah Parsons, Dallas

K Cameron Dicker, Philadelphia

AFC Players of the Week - Week 5



Quarterback JOSH ALLEN of the Buffalo Bills, linebacker MATTHEW JUDON of the New England and kicker CHASE MCLAUGHLIN of the Indianapolis Colts are the AFC Offensive, Defensive and Special Teams Players of the Week for games played in Week 5 (October 6, 9-10).


  • Allen completed 20 of 31 pass attempts (64.5 percent) for 424 yards and four touchdowns for a 134.1 rating in Buffalo’s 38-3 victory over Pittsburgh. Allen also added 42 rushing yards on five attempts. His 424 passing yards were the second-most by a quarterback in a game this season and his 134.1 rating was the highest by an AFC quarterback in Week 5.
  • This is the eighth-career Offensive Player of the Week award for Allen and first this season:
    • 2018: Week 17
    • 2019: Week 11
    • 2020: Weeks 2, 9, 13, 15
    • 2021: Week 3
    • 2022: Week 5
  • Allen trails only Pro Football Hall of Famer Jim Kelly (10-time winner) for the most Offensive Player of the Week awards by a Buffalo quarterback.
  • Since 2018, Allen’s eight Player of the Week awards are tied with Lamar Jackson for the second-most by a quarterback. Only Patrick Mahomes (nine) has more.  


  • Judon recorded three tackles, two sacks, a tackle for loss and a forced fumble in New England’s 29-0 shutout victory over Detroit. Judon is the only player in the league with a sack in each of the first five weeks of the season.
  • This marks the second Defensive Player of the Week award for Judon (Week 11, 2017 with Baltimore).  
  • He becomes the first Patriots linebacker to win the award since Kyle Van Noy (Week 4, 2019).


  • McLaughlin converted all four his field goal attempts in Indianapolis’ 12-9 overtime victory over Denver on Thursday Night Football. He connected from 52, 51, 31 and 48 yards, the last of which sealed the Colts’ victory.
  • This is the first-career Player of the Week award for McLaughlin and he joins Neil Rackers (three-time winner) as the only former Illinois kickers to ever earn the honor.
  • McLaughlin is the sixth-ever Colts kicker to win the award, joining Dan Biasucci (two-time winner), Cary Blanchard (three-time winner), Rodrigo Blankenship (one-time winner), Mike Vanderjagt (five-time winner) and Adam Vinatieri (11-time winner).




Special Teams

Wk 1

Wk 2

Wk 3

Wk 4

Wk 5

QB Patrick Mahomes, Kansas City

QB Tua Tagovailoa, Miami

QB Trevor Lawrence, Jacksonville

QB Patrick Mahomes, Kansas City

QB Josh Allen, Buffalo


S Minkah Fitzpatrick, Pittsburgh

CB Jaylen Watson, Kansas City

DE Trey Hendrickson, Cincinnati

S Jordan Poyer, Buffalo

LB Matthew Judon, New England

K Cade York, Cleveland

P Braden Mann, N.Y. Jets

P Corliss Waitman, Denver

K Evan McPherson, Cincinnati

K Chase McLaughlin, Indianapolis


The Starting 11 -- Twin showdowns, returns, reunions on tap for NFL in Week 6

Something has to give.

The Week 6 schedule features two games involving teams with four-or-more wins, and all four clubs in those games are fresh off impressive victories.

  • BUFFALO (4-1) heads to KANSAS CITY (4-1) on Sunday (4:25 PM ET, CBS) in a rematch of their 2021 playoff game that many called the greatest in NFL history. In 2022, the Chiefs (31.8 points per game) and Bills (30.4) lead the league in scoring, while Buffalo’s defense (12.2) is tied for the fewest points allowed per game.
  • Then, on Sunday Night Football (8:15 PM ET, NBC), DALLAS (4-1) visits PHILADELPHIA (5-0) in a battle for early season NFC East supremacy. The Eagles lead the NFL in turnover ratio (plus-nine) while the Cowboys (plus-five) are tied for second. Each club has just two giveaways, tied for fewest in the league.

This marks only the second time in the past 43 seasons (1980-2022) that multiple Week 6 games will pair teams with at least four wins. In Week 6 of the 2020 season, 4-1 Kansas City earned a 26-17 win at 4-1 Buffalo while 4-0 Pittsburgh recorded a 38-7 win over 4-1 Cleveland.

Also in focus on the Week 6 docket: One of the game’s most hallowed records, familiar faces in former places and surprise teams making significant strides. So butter that popcorn and tune in for a weekend with storylines aplenty.

The Starting 11 entering Week 6…

1.     PAPA BEAR IN RANGE: The Patriots’ BILL BELICHICK, who served as the Browns’ head coach from 1991-95, has 323 combined regular-season and postseason wins. This week, he has an opportunity to tie Pro Football Hall of Famer GEORGE HALAS (324) for second on the league’s all-time wins list when NEW ENGLAND (2-3) travels to play CLEVELAND (2-3) on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, CBS). In his 28th year as an NFL head coach, Belichick enters this week with a career 323-159 record (.670), including the postseason. Pro Football Hall of Famer DON SHULA (347) holds the all-time career wins record. 2.     REUNION WEEKENDJOE BURROW and JA’MARR CHASE return to Louisiana with the CINCINNATI BENGALS (2-3), who have a date with the NEW ORLEANS SAINTS (2-3) on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, CBS). The last time Burrow and Chase played at the Saints’ home stadium, Jan. 13, 2020, they led LSU to a College Football Playoff national title in a 42-25 win over Clemson. Burrow passed for 463 yards and five touchdowns, two to Chase, who registered nine receptions for 221 yards. … Chase went to high school 10 minutes from the Saints’ headquarters in Metairie, La., and also played in the dome as a sophomore in high school, when his Archbishop Rummel Raiders lost to CLYDE EDWARDS-HELAIRE and the Catholic Bears from Baton Rouge in their classification’s 2015 state title game. … In addition to Belichick’s return to Cleveland and the Burrow-Chase game in New Orleans, Week 6 features three other notable returns.
  • On Thursday Night Football (8:15 PM ET, Prime Video), Washington head coach RON RIVERA returns to Chicago, where he served as defensive coordinator (2004-06), played nine seasons (1984-92) and earned a Super Bowl XX ring with the 1985 Bears.
  • San Francisco head coach KYLE SHANAHAN makes his first trip to Atlanta on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX) since he served as Falcons offensive coordinator from 2015-16.
  • ROBERT SALEH and MATT LAFLEUR meet as head coaches for the first time on Sunday when the Jets (3-2) play the Packers (3-2) at Lambeau Field (1:00 PM ET, FOX). Groomsmen at each other’s weddings, they were also roommates while serving as assistants at Central Michigan from 2004-05. LaFleur’s younger brother, MIKE LAFLEUR, is the Jets’ offensive coordinator.
3.     NUMBER OF THE WEEK – 3: The number of seasons since the 1970 league merger in which every NFL team had at least one win entering Week 6: 1990, 2018 and 2022. 4.     SPOTLIGHT – INDIVIDUAL MATCHUPS: The NFL’s 2022 leaders in touchdown passes, PATRICK MAHOMES (15) and JOSH ALLEN (14), meet on Sunday at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium (4:25 PM ET, CBS). Buffalo’s JORDAN POYER (four) leads the NFL in interceptions.

  • When MINNESOTA (4-1) has the ball at MIAMI (3-2) on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX), look for a chess match between coordinators involving wide receiver JUSTIN JEFFERSON and cornerback XAVIEN HOWARD. Since the Vikings selected Jefferson in the first round (No. 22 overall) of the 2020 NFL Draft, he leads the NFL in receiving yards (3,563), including a league-leading 547 this season. Jefferson needs 601 more to surpass Pro Football Hall of Famer RANDY MOSS (4,163) for the most ever by a player over his first three NFL seasons. Also since Jefferson entered the league in 2020, Howard ranks tied for second in the NFL with 40 passes defensed and third with 15 interceptions.

 5.     SPOTLIGHT – TEAM MATCHUP: Strap in for BALTIMORE (3-2) at the NEW YORK GIANTS (4-1) on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, CBS), an interconference showdown featuring two of the most electrifying players from the first round of the 2018 NFL Draft. The Giants, off to their best start since opening 5-0 in 2009, have the league leader in scrimmage yards, SAQUON BARKLEY (676). The Ravens have the league leader in yards per rushing attempt, LAMAR JACKSON (7.6). … The Ravens are 2-0 in road games this year, and 19-7 (.731) overall in road games started by Jackson. The Giants are 4-1 in close games this season (each of New York’s five games this season have been decided by eight points or less). 6.     STREAK SPEAK: The NEW YORK JETS (3-2) put their unblemished road record on the line at GREEN BAY (3-2) on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX). The Jets, who have 13- and 10-point comeback wins in the fourth quarters of their first two road games, aim to win each of their first three road games for the first time since 2010, their last playoff campaign. That year, the Jets won their first five road contests en route to the AFC Championship Game.

  • MIKE MCCARTHY can become one of three head coaches in Cowboys history to win four straight games over PHILADELPHIA (5-0) when the Eagles host DALLAS (4-1) on Sunday Night Football (8:20 PM ET, NBC). Only JASON GARRETT and Pro Football Hall of Famer TOM LANDRY have won four-or-more games in consecutive fashion over Philadelphia on a Cowboys sideline.

 7.     DID YOU KNOW?: Seattle quarterback GENO SMITH leads the NFL in both passer rating (113.2) and completion percentage (75.2). Smith’s completion percentage is the fourth-best mark all-time for a player through his team’s first five games of a season (minimum 100 attempts). Only DREW BREES in 2018 (77.9 percent), ALEX SMITH in 2017 (76.6) and Pro Football Hall of Famer PEYTON MANNING in 2013 (75.8) had higher completion percentages. Earlier this month, the Seahawks’ signal-caller won his second career Offensive Player of the Week award, nine years after his first (in Week 5 of the 2013 season). Smith and SEATTLE (2-3) host ARIZONA (2-3) on Sunday at Lumen Field (4:05 PM ET, FOX). 8.     UNDER-THE-RADAR STORYLINE: Five years ago this season, both KENNY PICKETT and TOM BRADY secured significant victories on the same field in Pittsburgh. As a true freshman, Pickett made his first collegiate start in Pitt’s season finale and led the Panthers to a 24-14 victory over the No. 2-ranked Miami Hurricanes. Three weeks later, on the path to a berth in Super Bowl LII, Brady guided New England to 11 points in the final four minutes, including a two-point conversion to ROB GRONKOWSKI, to give the Patriots a 27-24 win over the Steelers and clinch the AFC East. The two quarterbacks return to Acrisure Stadium when TAMPA BAY (3-2) meets PITTSBURGH (1-4) on Sunday (1:00 PM ET, FOX). 9.     TREND TIME: The last three Super Bowl champions – the 2019 KANSAS CITY CHIEFS (5-0), 2020 TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS (4-0) and 2021 LOS ANGELES RAMS (5-2) – were a combined 14-2 (.875) over the balance of their seasons after their respective byes. Byes begin this week and run through Week 14. All 16 teams will be in action during Week 12, the week of Thanksgiving. 10.  THIS MONTH IN NFL HISTORY: Oct. 5, 1992 (30 years ago) – The last time DALLAS and PHILADELPHIA met within the first six weeks of a season with each team having at least three wins. On that day, the Eagles’ defense records four sacks and three interceptions in a 31-7 win as Philadelphia improves to 4-0. After the loss, Dallas rebounds to win 13 of its next 15 games to secure a Super Bowl XXVII title. 11.  AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: The NFC East boasts three teams at 4-1 or better. PHILADELPHIA (5-0) has the NFL’s only undefeated record, including a 3-0 mark on the road. DALLAS (4-1) has won four straight, including victories over each of the 2021 Super Bowl teams. And the NEW YORK GIANTS (4-1) own road wins over each of the No. 1 seeds in the 2021 playoffs, Tennessee and Green Bay.

  • The NFC East is just the fourth division since the NFL realigned in 2002 with three teams earning at least four wins through a season’s first five weeks. It also happened in 2002 (AFC West), 2008 (NFC East) and 2020 (AFC North).


(All times Eastern)


Thursday, October 13

Washington at Chicago

Prime Video


Sunday, October 16

San Francisco at Atlanta



New England at Cleveland



New York Jets at Green Bay



Jacksonville at Indianapolis



Minnesota at Miami



Cincinnati at New Orleans



Baltimore at New York Giants



Tampa Bay at Pittsburgh



Carolina at Los Angeles Rams



Arizona at Seattle



Buffalo at Kansas City



Dallas at Philadelphia



Monday, October 17

Denver at Los Angeles Chargers




Bye week: Detroit, Houston, Las Vegas, Tennessee

National Football League Announces Fifth Annual Big Data Bowl Competition

Starting today, participants can sign-up to compete for $100,000 in prize money through research in player tracking data 

NEW YORK (October 11, 2022) – Today, the National Football League (NFL) announced the launch of the fifth annual Big Data Bowl powered by Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). This innovative crowd-sourcing competition among members of the sports analytics community is aimed to challenge applicants to use data and technology to protect players from unnecessary risk, create new insights and make the game more exciting for fans. Applicants are eligible to sign up today and start competing for rewards, including $100,000 in prize money.  

Through utilizing Next Gen Stats powered by AWS, the 2023 Big Data Bowl calls on professional and aspiring data analysts to devise innovative approaches to analyzing pass blocking and pass rushing performance across the NFL. Applicants will have access to data from the 2021 season analyzing quarterback dropback pass situations, which include snap to pass release timing as well as sacks and scrambling plays. Using this information, participants are asked to identify metrics to assess offensive and defensive performances on both an individual and team basis. The process of looking into linemen performance is generally an untapped area of public work and is a great opportunity for participants to develop unique statistically data driven solutions. Scouting data from PFF is also provided to participants. 

This season's Big Data Bowl also includes a new coaching centric track, which will encourage coaches to partner with data scientists on a submission. This collaborative perspective will put an additional emphasis on finding data solutions intended to help coaches use tracking to better understand opponent schemes and tendencies. 

Since the inaugural Big Data Bowl in 2018, this contest has been a pipeline for members of the sports analytics community who wish to join NFL teams and vendors, as well as other professional sports leagues. In total, over 50 participants have been hired in data and analytics roles in sports.  

"Throughout four outstanding years of competition, we are increasingly impressed by the innovative data that is generated from our sports analytics community in the Big Data Bowl," said Michael Lopez, NFL Senior Director of Football Data and Analytics. "Being able to engage with our fans in such a robust and creative manner has helped to continue to grow the game of football while also creating opportunities for our fans to pursue jobs throughout the league." 

As part of the Big Data Bowl, the NFL also incorporates a mentorship program for the third straight year aimed at increasing diversity in sports analytics by connecting experienced NFL analytics experts with interested beginners. This program will include both individual meetings as well as monthly group training sessions and conclude with a virtual forum where all mentees will have the opportunity to present to analysts from all 32 NFL teams.  

"As we kick-off this year's competition, we are excited to challenge aspiring data scientists and facilitate a collaborative environment to help engage with the football community in a fun way," said Vasi Philomin, Vice President of AI Service, AWS. "Machine learning is the most transformative technology of our generation, and at AWS, we are committed to creating opportunities that inspire the next generation of builders and ensure that the benefits of machine learning become more widely accessible to users of all skill levels." 

Interested applicants can register for the 2023 Big Data Bowl on Participants are allowed to work on their own or form teams with other colleagues.  

Following the submission deadline, all Big Data Bowl entries will be judged by data analysts from NFL clubs. Finalists will be announced in early 2023 and will share a prize of $100,000 provided by AWS. 

For additional information on the Big Data Bowl, visit: 

Giants-Packers is NFL Network's Most-Watched International Series Game on Record

Viewership of 5.5 Million Across TV & Digital –

Up +55% vs. 2021 Week 5 Game in London


Average Minute Audience on NFL Digital Platforms Hits 299K –

Highest Digital AMA on Record for NFL Network International Series Game

Viewership for Sunday's game featuring the New York Giants' 27-22 win over the Green Bay Packers in London was 5.5 million viewers* (TV+Digital) – making it NFL Network's most-watched International Series game on record (2016-present).

The 5.5 million viewers for Giants-Packers on TV and Digital up +55% versus last year's Week 5 matchup in London between the New York Jets and Atlanta Falcons.

Digital streaming across NFL digital platforms, Giants and Packers mobile properties, and NFL+ delivered an average minute audience of 299K – up +22% versus Jets-Falcons last year and the highest digital AMA on record for an NFL Network International Series game.

Live NFL games on NFL Network continue this season with the Seattle Seahawks vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Sunday, November 13 at 9:30 AM ET from Munich, Germany, a Week 15 Saturday tripleheader on December 18 (matchups to be announced at a later date) and the Las Vegas Raiders at Pittsburgh Steelers on Saturday, December 24 at 8:15 PM ET.

*The 5.5 million viewers on TV+Digital number does NOT include OTA viewership from the New York, Green Bay and Milwaukee markets


League matches Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker Carl Nassib's $100k commitment

to further support the LGBTQ community

Today, on National Coming Out Day, the National Football League (NFL) announced its renewed support of The Trevor Project, the world's largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people. The NFL will work collaboratively with The Trevor Project on programming, training and more as a part of the league's ongoing effort to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization.

"The NFL's generous support of our life-affirming work not only helps us scale our crisis services for LGBTQ youth around the country and world, but it also spreads a message of love and acceptance directly to LGBTQ young people who may interact with the brand," said Leah Kartun, Corporate Partnerships Manager at The Trevor Project. "The massive national audience that the NFL reaches means that LGBTQ young people in all pockets of the U.S. could be reached with this affirmation – which can have a really meaningful impact on them feeling loved and part of a larger community who supports their existence."            

"We're extremely proud to continue our partnership with The Trevor Project and work alongside them to expand our efforts around inclusivity and to continue to strengthen our relationship with the LGBTQ community," said Jonathan Beane, Senior Vice President, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, NFL. "The work that The Trevor Project does to support LGBTQ youth and mental health is outstanding and we're excited to continue our work with an organization making an impact in countless lives around the world."

As a part of the partnership, the NFL Foundation will also be donating $100,000 to The Trevor Project, matching the donation made by Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker Carl Nassib in 2022. In 2021, Nassib became the first active player in the NFL to come out as gay and donated $100,000 to the organization and the NFL matched his 2021 donation with an additional $100,000. In June 2022, Nassib announced his partnership with the organization and encouraged fans to donate to The Trevor Project to support the work of the organization and pledged to match donations up to $100,000. 

Through the NFL's collaboration with The Trevor Project, subject matter experts from The Trevor Project will provide LGBTQ-focused education sessions to National Football League staff to help build greater awareness and competency around LGBTQ youth and LGBTQ mental health. In addition, NFL staff will have an opportunity to volunteer with The Trevor Project.

The NFL's support toward The Trevor Project is one of several ways the League supports LGBTQ communities. The League has collaborated with organizations such as GLAAD, Covenant House and others to uplift the LGBTQ community. In June 2022, the NFL became a founding sponsor of the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center.

For more information, visit  

Giants-Packers is NFL Network's Most-Watched International Series Game on Record

Viewership of 5.5 Million Across TV & Digital –

Up +55% vs. 2021 Week 5 Game in London


Average Minute Audience on NFL Digital Platforms Hits 299K –

Highest Digital AMA on Record for NFL Network International Series Game

Viewership for Sunday's game featuring the New York Giants' 27-22 win over the Green Bay Packers in London was 5.5 million viewers* (TV+Digital) – making it NFL Network's most-watched International Series game on record (2016-present).

The 5.5 million viewers for Giants-Packers on TV and Digital up +55% versus last year's Week 5 matchup in London between the New York Jets and Atlanta Falcons.

Digital streaming across NFL digital platforms (including NFL+) delivered an average minute audience of 299K – up +22% versus Jets-Falcons last year and the highest digital AMA on record for an NFL Network International Series game.

Live NFL games on NFL Network continue this season with the Seattle Seahawks vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Sunday, November 13 at 9:30 AM ET from Munich, Germany, a Week 15 Saturday tripleheader on December 18 (matchups to be announced at a later date) and the Las Vegas Raiders at Pittsburgh Steelers on Saturday, December 24 at 8:15 PM ET.

*The 5.5 million viewers on TV+Digital number does NOT include OTA viewership from the New York, Green Bay and Milwaukee markets


NFL Media is comprised of NFL Network, NFL RedZone, NFL Films,, the NFL app, NFL+ and streaming service, the NFL Channel.

Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, fans turn to NFL Network to receive information and insight straight from the field, team headquarters, league offices and everywhere the NFL is making news. Launched in 2003, NFL Network gives fans unprecedented year-round inside access to all NFL events, including the Super Bowl, Playoffs, regular season, preseason, Pro Bowl, Pro Football Hall of Fame induction weekend, NFL Draft, NFL Scouting Combine, Senior Bowl, league meetings, minicamps and training camps.

For fans on the go, all NFL Network programming can be streamed live through the NFL app and NFL Network app on smartphones, tablets, PCs and connected TV devices (Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, Roku and Xbox One). Access is available for NFL Network subscribers of participating TV providers. For more information, go to


​10 de octubre de 2022

Siete del domingo – Quinta semana

Un vistazo a siete destacados estadísticos de los partidos jugados a las 9:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. y 4:00 p.m. (hora de New York) el domingo 9 de octubre, la quinta semana de la temporada 2022.

  • En el segundo de los cinco partidos internacionales del calendario de la NFL 2022, NEW YORK GIANTS derrotó a Green Bay 27-22 en el Tottenham Hotspur Stadium de Londres, en ocasión que Giants se sobrepuso a una desventaja de 14 puntos para, a la postre, terminan ganando.

Desde que la NFL comenzó a celebrar partidos en Tottenham Hotspur, en 2019, cinco de los seis partidos disputados en ese estadio fueron decididos por siete puntos o menos, incluyendo los dos duelos de 2022.

Con dos por jugarse aún en la quinta semana, han habido 47 partidos esta temporada decididos por ocho o menos puntos y 60 de ellos estuvieron a una diferencia dentro de una anotación (ocho puntos) en el último período, ambas mayores cantidades de tales situaciones a lo largo de las primeros cinco semanas de una temporada en la historia de la NFL.

Esta temporada han habido 37 partidos decididos por seis o menos puntos, la mayor cantidad de tales desempeños a lo largo de la quinta semana en la historia.

Hubo 26 partidos decididos por tres puntos o menos esta temporada, la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños a lo largo de las primeras cinco semanas en la historia. Solamente la temporada 1999 (28 partidos) tiene más.

Además de Giants, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS también se sobrepuso a una desventaja de 14 puntos para terminar ganando, derrotando a Cleveland 30-28. Con dos por jugarse aún en la quinta semana, hubo nueve partidos en los que un equipo se sobrepone a una desventaja de al menos 14 puntos para ganar o empatar esta temporada, la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños a lo largo de la quinta semana en la historia. Solamente la temporada 2011 (11 partidos) tiene más.

En 2022, hubo 25 partidos en los que un equipo ganó o empató tras haber estado en desventaja en el último período, cifra que empatad la cuarta mayor cantidad de tales partidos a lo largo de las primeros cinco semanas en la historia. Solamente las temporadas 2011 (28 partidos), 1999 (26) y 1989 (26) tienen más.

  • HOUSTON TEXANS derrotó a Jacksonville 13-6 para capturar su primera victoria de la temporada. Ahora los 32 equipos tienen al menos un triunfo a lo largo de la quinta semana.

La temporada 2022 se une a las de 1990 y 2018 como las únicas desde 1970 en las que cada uno de los equipos tiene al menos un triunfo a lo largo de la quinta semana.

  • El mariscal de campo de Buffalo JOSH ALLEN lanzó 424 yardas y cuatro anotaciones en la victoria de Bills 38-3 sobre Pittsburgh.

Marcó el octavo partido de la carrera de Allen con al menos cuatro pases anotadores, empatando con ANDREW LUCK (ocho partidos) para la tercera mayor cantidad de tales desempeños por un jugador en sus primeras cinco temporadas en la historia de la NFL. Solamente el miembro del Salón de la Fama DAN MARINO (14 partidos) y PATRICK MAHOMES (13) tienen más.

Allen tiene 150 anotaciones combinadas entre pasando y acarreando (117 pasando, 33 acarreando) en su carrera, superando al miembro del Salón de la Fama PEYTON MANNING (147 anotaciones) para la cuarta mayor cantidad de anotaciones por un jugador en sus primeros cinco temporadas en la historia de la NFL. Solamente Dan Marino (171), CAM NEWTON (160) y Mahomes (159) tienen más.

Allen se conectó con el receptor GABE DAVIS para una anotación de 98 yardas habiéndose jugado 64 segundos del primer período. Marcó la anotación desde la línea de golpeo más larga dentro de los primeros 90 segundos de un partido en la historia de la NFL.

  • El mariscal de campo de Philadelphia JALEN HURTS totalizó 300 yardas (239 pasando, 61 acarreando) y tuvo dos acarreos anotadores en la victoria de Eagles 20-17 sobre Arizona. Philadelphia está 5-0 por primera ocasión desde 2004, cuando avanzó hasta el Super Bowl XXXIX.

Hurts tiene siete partidos en su carrera con al menos dos acarreos anotadores, empatando con los miembros del Salón de la Fama OTTO GRAHAM (siete partidos) y STEVE YOUNG (siete), así como también con JACK KEMP (siete) y STEVE MCNAIR (siete), para la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños por un mariscal de campo en la historia. Solamente CAM NEWTON (10 partidos) tiene más.

Hurts tiene 19 acarreos anotadores en las primeras 24 titularidades de su carrera y superó a Newton (18 acarreos anotadores) para la mayor cantidad de acarreos anotadores en la historia por un mariscal de campo en sus primeras 25 titularidades.

  • El receptor de Minnesota JUSTIN JEFFERSON registró 12 recepciones para 154 yardas en la victoria de Vikings 29-22 sobre Chicago.
Marcó el sexto partido de la carrera de Jefferson con al menos 150 yardas recibiendo, igualando a los miembros del Salón de la Fama LANCE ALWORTH (seis partidos) y RANDY MOSS (seis) para la mayor cantidad en la historia por un jugador en sus primeras tres temporadas.Desde que ingresó en la NFL, en 2020, Jefferson tiene 17 partidos en su carrera con al menos 100 yardas recibiendo, superando a BILL GROMAN (16 partidos), HARLON HILL (16), T.Y. HILTON (16) y JOHN JEFFERSON (16) para la tercera mayor cantidad de tales desempeños por un jugador en sus primeras tres temporadas en la historia de la NFL. Solamente ODELL BECKHAM JR. (19 partidos) y Moss (19) tienen más.

  • El corredor de Los Angeles Chargers AUSTIN EKELER registró 199 yardas desde la línea de golpeo (173 acarreando, 26 recibiendo) y dos anotaciones (una acarreando, una recibiendo) en la victoria de Chargers 30-28 victoria sobre Cleveland.

Ekeler tiene ocho partidos en su carrera con algún acarreo anotador y alguna recepción anotadora, empatando la quinta mayor cantidad por un jugador en sus primeras seis temporadas en la historia. Solamente EZEKIEL ELLIOTT (nueve partidos), CHUCK FOREMAN (nueve), ALVIN KAMARA (nueve) y CHRISTIAN MCCAFFREY (nueve) tienen más.

Ekeler, que acumula 26 recepciones anotadoras y 24 acarreos anotadores en su carrera de seis años, se convirtió en el cuarto corredor no fichado en la era del Draft unificado con 50 anotaciones en su carrera, uniéndose a PRIEST HOLMES (94 anotaciones), ARIAN FOSTER (68) y LEGARRETTE BLOUNT (58).

  • El ala cerrada de New Orleans TAYSOM HILL registró 112 yardas por tierra y tres acarreos anotadores, y agregó un pase de anotación, en la victoria de Saints 39-32 sobre Seattle.

Hill es el tercer jugador en la historia en registrar al menos 100 yardas por tierra, tres acarreos anotadores y un pase de anotación en un solo partido, uniéndose a RONNIE BROWN (21 de septiembre de 2008) y al miembro del Salón de la Fama LADAINIAN TOMLINSON (25 de septiembre de 2005).

Hill ahora tiene 21 acarreos anotadores en su carrera, siete anotación en su recepciones en su carrera y nueve pases anotadores en su carrera. Se une a Tomlinson como los únicos jugadores desde 2000 con al menos 20 acarreos anotadores, cinco recepciones anotadoras y cinco pases anotadores en su carrera.

  • Otros desempeños notables del domingo son los siguientes:

o El mariscal de campo de Dallas COOPER RUSH lideró a Cowboys a una victoria 22-10 sobre Los Angeles Rams.

Rush está ahora 5-0 en su carrera como titular y es el quinto mariscal de campo no fichado que gana cada una de sus primeras cinco titularidades en una carrera en la era del Super Bowl, uniéndose al miembro del Salón de la Fama KURT WARNER, así como también a KYLE ALLENDIETER BROCK y MIKE TOMCZAK.

o El corredor novato de New York Jets BREECE HALL totalizó 197 yardas desde la línea de golpeo (100 recibiendo, 97 acarreando) y registró un acarreo anotador en el triunfo de Jets 40-17 sobre Miami.

Hall registró una recepción de 79 yardas en el primer período, marcando la séptima recepción más larga por un corredor novato desde 1970 y la más larga desde EZEKIEL ELLIOTT (recepción anotadora de 83 yardas) el 13 de noviembre de 2016

o El esquinero de Buffalo KAIIR ELAM (selección global Nº 23 en el Sorteo Universitario de la NFL 2022), el esquinero de New York Jets SAUCE GARDNER (Nº 4 global) y el esquinero de Houston DEREK STINGLEY JR. (Nº 3 global) en la quinta semana registraron cada uno la primera intercepción de sus respectivas carreras.

Esto marca la primera semana desde la semana 1 de 2006 (TYE HILLHALOTI NGATA DONTE WHITNER) en la que tres novatos fichados en la primera vuelta del Draft de la NFL tienen cada uno la primera intercepción de su carrera.

o El mariscal de campo de Green Bay AARON RODGERS registró dos pases anotadores, sin intercepciones, en la quinta semana, el 100º partido de su carrera con al menos dos pases anotadores y ninguna intercepción.

Rodgers se une a TOM BRADY (120 partidos) como los únicos jugadores en la historia de la NFL en registrar 100 partidos con al menos dos pases anotadores y ninguna intercepción.

o El receptor de Los Angeles Rams COOPER KUPP registró siete recepciones para 125 yardas y una anotación en la quinta semana.

Kupp lidera la liga con 49 recepciones esta temporada, superando a T.J. HOUSHMANDZADEH (47 recepciones en 2007) y ADAM THIELEN (47 en 2018) para la mayor cantidad de recepciones por un jugador en los primeros cinco partidos de una temporada con su equipo en la historia de la NFL.

Thursday Night Capsule - Washington Commanders at Chicago Bears



Week 6 of the 2022 NFL season gets underway on Thursday, October 13 (8:15 PM ET, Prime Video) as the Washington Commanders (1-4) visit the Chicago Bears (2-3) in a matchup between two of the oldest franchises in the league. Washington leads the all-time regular-season series, 22-21-1, as the two teams meet for the first time since Week 3 of the 2019 season, a 31-15 Chicago victory. Prior to that game, Washington had won seven consecutive games in the series.

Washington quarterback CARSON WENTZ is coming off a Week 5 performance in which he set season-high marks in passing yards (359) and passer rating (102.9). It marked his third 300-yard passing game of the season, tied with JOSH ALLEN for the most in the league. In six career Thursday starts, Wentz is 6-0 with 16 touchdowns (15 passing, one rushing) against two interceptions for a 107.4 rating. He can become the fourth quarterback ever to win at least seven consecutive Thursday games, joining TOM BRADY (nine straight wins from 2002-15), RUSSELL WILSON (nine straight from 2013-20), and Pro Football Hall of Famer PEYTON MANNING (eight straight from 2004-13). In three career starts against the Bears, Wentz has five touchdown passes with no interceptions.  

Running back ANTONIO GIBSON enters Thursday having scored a touchdown in five of his past six road games. In two career Thursday games, he has totaled 209 scrimmage yards (104.5 per game) and three rushing touchdowns. Running back J.D. MCKISSIC ranks fourth among all running backs this season with 24 receptions. Wide receiver TERRY MCLAURIN leads the team with 326 receiving yards in 2022 and has at least 75 receiving yards in three of his past four games. He recorded a touchdown reception in the teams’ last meeting. Wide receiver DYAMI BROWN totaled a career-high 105 receiving yards last week and recorded his first two career touchdown receptions.

Defensive end MONTEZ SWEAT registered a career-high three tackles for loss and his third-career game with at least two sacks in Week 5. Defensive tackle JONATHAN ALLEN has four sacks in four career Thursday games, while defensive end EFE OBADA has a sack in two of his past three games overall. Linebacker COLE HOLCOMB tied his career high with 15 tackles last week and has at least 10 tackles in five of his past six road games.

Chicago quarterback JUSTIN FIELDS completed 15 of 21 passes (71.4 percent – career-high as starter) last week and set season highs in passing yards (208) and passer rating (118.8). He aims for his third in a row with no interceptions. Fields ranks fifth among all quarterbacks with 194 rushing yards this season and aims for his fourth straight game with at least 45 rushing yards. Running back DAVID MONTGOMERY led the team with 82 scrimmage yards (season-high 62 receiving, 20 rushing) and had his first rushing touchdown of the season in Week 5. Running back KHALIL HERBERT aims for his third in a row at home with a rushing touchdown. Wide receiver DARNELL MOONEY aims for his third in a row with at least 50 receiving yards and has five-or-more catches in nine of his past 11 at home. Rookie wide receiver VELUS JONES recorded his first-career touchdown catch last week.

Linebacker ROQUAN SMITH ties for the NFL lead with 54 tackles this season and is one of three players (JORDYN BROOKS and ZAIRE FRANKLIN) with at least eight tackles in each of the first five weeks. He has totaled 106 tackles (10.6 per game) and 10 tackles for loss in his past 10 home games. Linebacker ROBERT QUINN is one of seven active players with at least 100 career sacks (102) and he aims for his fifth in a row in primetime with a sack. In his past five games against Washington, Quinn has four sacks and two forced fumbles. Defensive back EDDIE JACKSON recorded a fumble recovery in the 2019 meeting and aims for his third in a row at home with an interception. Defensive back KINDLE VILDOR recorded his first-career interception in Week 5 and has a pass defensed in two of his past three.

Prime Video will stream 15 Thursday Night Football games this season (Weeks 2-17, excluding Thanksgiving). The game will feature Al Michaels, Kirk Herbstreit and Kaylee Hartung on the call.

For the Week 6 Washington-Chicago capsule, click here.

Seven From Sunday - Week 5

A look at seven statistical highlights from games played at 9:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET on Sunday, October 9, the fifth week of the 2022 season.

  • In the second of five international games on the 2022 NFL schedule, the NEW YORK GIANTS defeated Green Bay, 27-22, at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London as the Giants overcame a 14-point deficit to win.Since the NFL started playing at Tottenham Hotspur in 2019, five of the six games played in the stadium have been decided by seven points or fewer, including both 2022 matchups.With two games yet to be completed in Week 5, there have been 47 games this season decided by eight-or-fewer points and 60 games that have been within one score (eight points) in the fourth quarter, both the most such games through the first five weeks of a season in NFL history.There have been 37 games this season decided by six-or-fewer points, the most such games through Week 5 all-time.There have been 26 games decided by three points or fewer this season, the second-most such games through the first five weeks ever. Only 1999 (28 games) has more.In addition to the Giants, the LOS ANGELES CHARGERS also overcame a 14-point deficit to win, defeating Cleveland, 30-28. With two games yet to be completed in Week 5, there have been nine games in which a team has overcome a deficit of at least 14 points to win or tie this season, the second-most such games through Week 5 all-time. Only 2011 (11 games) has more.There have been 25 games in which a team has won or tied after trailing in the fourth quarter in 2022, tied for the fourth-most such games through the first five weeks ever. Only 2011 (28 games), 1999 (26) and 1989 (26) have more.
  • The HOUSTON TEXANS defeated Jacksonville, 13-6, to capture their first victory of the season. All 32 teams now have at least one win through Week 5.The 2022 season joins 1990 and 2018 as the only seasons since 1970 in which every team has at least one win through Week 5.
  • Buffalo quarterback JOSH ALLEN passed for 424 yards and four touchdowns in the Bills' 38-3 victory over Pittsburgh.It marked Allen's eighth-career game with at least four touchdown passes, tied with ANDREW LUCK (eight games) for the third-most such games by a player in his first five seasons in NFL history. Only Pro Football Hall of Famer DAN MARINO (14 games) and PATRICK MAHOMES (13) have more.Allen has 150 combined passing and rushing touchdowns (117 passing, 33 rushing) in his career, surpassing Pro Football Hall of Famer PEYTON MANNING (147 touchdowns) for the fourth-most such touchdowns by a player in his first five seasons in NFL history. Only Marino (171), CAM NEWTON (160) and Mahomes (159) have more.Allen connected with wide receiver GABE DAVIS for a 98-yard touchdown 64 seconds into the first quarter. It marked the longest scrimmage touchdown within the first 90 seconds of a game in NFL history. 
  • Philadelphia quarterback JALEN HURTS totaled 300 yards (239 passing, 61 rushing) and had two rushing touchdowns in the Eagles' 20-17 win over Arizona. The Eagles are 5-0 for the first time since 2004, when they advanced to Super Bowl XXXIX.Hurts has seven career games with at least two rushing touchdowns, tied with Pro Football Hall of Famers OTTO GRAHAM (seven games) and STEVE YOUNG (seven), as well as JACK KEMP (seven) and STEVE MCNAIR (seven), for the second-most such games by a quarterback all-time. Only CAM NEWTON (10 games) has more.Hurts has 19 rushing touchdowns in his first 24 career starts and surpassed Newton (18 rushing touchdowns) for the most rushing touchdowns all-time by a quarterback in his first 25 starts.
  • Minnesota wide receiver JUSTIN JEFFERSON recorded 12 receptions for 154 yards in the Vikings' 29-22 victory over Chicago.It marked Jefferson's sixth-career game with at least 150 receiving yards, tying Pro Football Hall of Famers LANCE ALWORTH (six games) and RANDY MOSS (six) for the most-ever by a player in his first three seasons.Since entering the NFL in 2020, Jefferson has 17 career games with at least 100 receiving yards, surpassing BILL GROMAN (16 games), HARLON HILL (16), T.Y. HILTON (16) and JOHN JEFFERSON (16) for the third-most such games by a player in his first three seasons in NFL history. Only ODELL BECKHAM JR. (19 games) and Moss (19) have more.
  • Los Angeles Chargers running back AUSTIN EKELER recorded 199 scrimmage yards (173 rushing, 26 receiving) and two touchdowns (one rushing, one receiving) in the Chargers' 30-28 victory over Cleveland.Ekeler has eight career games with both a rushing and receiving touchdown, tied for the fifth-most by a player in his first six seasons all-time. Only EZEKIEL ELLIOTT (nine games), CHUCK FOREMAN (nine), ALVIN KAMARA (nine) and CHRISTIAN MCCAFFREY (nine) have more.Ekeler, who has 26 touchdown receptions and 24 rushing touchdowns in his six-year career, became  the fourth undrafted running back in the common-draft era with 50 career touchdowns, joining PRIEST HOLMES (94 touchdowns), ARIAN FOSTER (68) and LEGARRETTE BLOUNT (58).
  • New Orleans tight end TAYSOM HILL recorded 112 rushing yards and three rushing touchdowns and added a touchdown pass in the Saints' 39-32 victory over Seattle.Hill is the third player ever to record at least 100 rushing yards, three rushing touchdowns and a touchdown pass in a single game, joining RONNIE BROWN (September 21, 2008) and Pro Football Hall of Famer LADAINIAN TOMLINSON (September 25, 2005).Hill now has 21 career rushing touchdowns, seven career touchdown receptions and nine career touchdown passes. He joins Tomlinson as the only players since 2000 with at least 20 rushing touchdowns, five receiving touchdowns and five touchdown passes in their career.
  • Other notable performances from Sunday included:
    • Dallas quarterback COOPER RUSH led the Cowboys to a 22-10 victory over the Los Angeles Rams.Rush is now 5-0 in his career as a starter and is the fifth undrafted quarterback to win each of his first five career starts in the Super Bowl era, joining Pro Football Hall of Famer KURT WARNER as well as KYLE ALLENDIETER BROCK and MIKE TOMCZAK.
    • New York Jets rookie running back BREECE HALL totaled 197 scrimmage yards (100 receiving, 97 rushing) and recorded a rushing touchdown in the Jets' 40-17 win over Miami.Hall recorded a 79-yard reception in the first quarter, marking the seventh-longest reception by a rookie running back since 1970 and longest since EZEKIEL ELLIOTT (83-yard touchdown reception) on November 13, 2016
    • Buffalo cornerback KAIIR ELAM (the No. 23 overall selection in the 2022 NFL Draft), New York Jets cornerback SAUCE GARDNER (No. 4 overall) and Houston cornerback DEREK STINGLEY JR. (No. 3 overall) each recorded their first-career interceptions in Week 5.This marks the first week since Week 1, 2006 (TYE HILLHALOTI NGATA and DONTE WHITNER) in which three rookies selected in the first round of the NFL Draft each had their first-career interceptions. 
    • Green Bay quarterback AARON RODGERS recorded two touchdown passes with no interceptions in Week 5, his 100th-career game with at least two touchdown passes and no interceptions.Rodgers joins TOM BRADY (120 games) as the only players in NFL history to record 100 games with at least two touchdown passes and no interceptions.
    • Los Angeles Rams wide receiver COOPER KUPP recorded seven receptions for 125 yards and a touchdown in Week 5.Kupp leads the league with 49 receptions this season, surpassing T.J. HOUSHMANDZADEH (47 receptions in 2007) and ADAM THIELEN (47 in 2018) for the most receptions by a player in his team's first five games of a season in NFL history.


The parties have completed their joint review of the application of the NFL’s Concussion Protocol following the injury to Miami Dolphins Quarterback Tua Tagovailoa during their game on September 25, 2022.   

Background and Context and Evolution of the Protocols:

The NFL-NFLPA Concussion Evaluation and Management Protocol was formalized and adopted in 2013.  Since that time, the parties’ medical experts have recommended and the parties have agreed to numerous modifications of the protocols to improve the health and safety of players (e.g., the creation of the ATC spotter program, Booth UNCs, Emergency Action Plans, mandatory post-game reports, and improved video surveillance). Rather than being simply a “check the box” process, the Protocol was designed to ensure that highly credentialed and experienced physicians – approved and paid for by the NFL and NFLPA – are available on game day and to create a standardized approach to concussion evaluation where competitive decisions never usurp quality care. If a concern arises over compliance with the Protocol, either the NFLPA or the NFL can request an investigation into the actions of the medical staff which will be conducted jointly. The NFL-NFLPA CBA limits the scope of the parties’ review to an objective assessment of whether each step required by the protocol was undertaken when a potential head injury is identified.

The NFLPA initiated such an investigation in connection with the incident involving Mr. Tagovailoa.  The NFL and NFLPA reviewed the relevant reports and video and jointly interviewed members of the Team’s medical staff, the Head Athletic Trainer, the Booth ATC Spotter, the Unaffiliated Neurotrauma Consultant (UNC) and Mr. Tagovailoa. Following the complete review, the parties concluded that while the step-by-step process outlined in the Concussion Protocol was followed, the outcome in this case was not what was intended when the Protocol was drafted. Specifically, the review established:

  • During the play in question, the player was tackled and fell on his back and then hit his head on the ground.  The player grabbed his helmet, shook his head several times, and after he took several steps, he stumbled and fell.
  • The Club medical team and the UNC properly viewed the video of the play in question as required by the protocol and engaged in a locker room examination of Mr. Tagovailoa before the player was cleared to return to play. The Team physician cleared Mr. Tagovailoa, following consultation with the UNC. The steps set forth in the Concussion Checklist were, therefore, conducted.
  • Mr. Tagovailoa suffered and reported back and ankle injuries earlier in the game.  Mr. Tagovailoa told the medical staff involved that he aggravated his back injury on the play in question and that his back injury caused him to stumble.
  • Mr. Tagovailoa did not report or exhibit any signs or symptoms of concussion during his locker room exam, during the remainder of the game, or throughout the following week.
  • The medical staff involved determined that the Gross Motor Instability (“GMI”) suffered by Mr. Tagovailoa was not neurologically caused. They concluded the player’s back injury was the cause of his observed instability.   However, the team physician and UNC did not conduct an examination of Mr. Tagovailoa’s back during the concussion examination, but instead relied on the earlier examination conducted by other members of the medical staff.  

Conclusion and Findings:

While the investigation determined that the team medical staff and unaffiliated medical professionals followed the steps of the Protocol as written, the NFL and NFLPA agree that the outcome in this case is not what was intended when the Protocols were drafted. As such, as has been done in previous cases, based on the advice of the parties’ respective medical experts, the Protocol will be modified to enhance the safety of the players.  Specifically, the term “ataxia” has been added to the mandatory “no-go” symptoms.  “Ataxia” is defined as abnormality of balance/stability, motor coordination or dysfunctional speech caused by a neurological issue.  In other words, if a player is diagnosed with “ataxia” by any club or neutral physician involved in the application of the Concussion Protocol, he will be prohibited from returning to the game, and will receive the follow-up care required by the Protocol.   

The Protocol exists to establish a high standard of concussion care for each player whereby every medical professional engages in a meaningful and rigorous examination of the player-patent.  To that end, the parties remain committed to continuing to evaluate our Protocol to ensure it reflects the intended conservative approach to evaluating player-patients for potential head injuries. 

De interés – Quinta semana

EQUIPO GANADORES EN LONDRESGREEN BAY PACKERS (3-1) se convertirá en el equipo número 32 en jugar partido de temporada regular internacional cuando enfrenten a NEW YORK GIANTS (3-1) en Tottenham Hotspur Stadium el domingo (9:30 AM ET, NFL Network). Packers ingresa en la quinta semana con 785 victorias en temporada regular en la historia de la franquicia, empatando con Chicago (785) para la mayor cantidad en la historia de la NFL, mientras que Giants se ubica tercero, con 709. La franquicia Bears/Staleys ha tenido la mayor cantidad de victorias en temporada regular que cualquier equipo de la NFL al final de cada una de las primeras 102 temporadas en la historia.

Este es el sexto partido en Tottenham Hotspur Stadium desde 2019. Cuatro de los previos cinco enfrentamientos fueron decididos por siete puntos o menos, y tres de los encuentros tuvieron la anotación definitoria dentro de los dos minutos finales del cuarto períodoEl porcentaje de triunfos combinados de Packers y Giants, de .750 (6-2), es el más alto de todos los tiempos entre dos equipos que ingresan en un partido internacional en la cuarta semana o más tarde en la historia.

Los porcentajes de triunfos combinados más altos al ingresar a un partido internacional en la cuarta semana o más tarde en la historia de la NFL:


Green Bay Packers (3-1) vs.

New York Giants (3-1)

Tottenham Hotspur Stadium


Semana 5,




Oakland Raiders (7-2) vs. Houston Texans (6-3)

Estadio Azteca

(Ciudad de México)

Semana 1,




OAK 27, HOU 20
Chicago Bears (3-1) vs. Oakland Raiders (2-2)

Tottenham Hotspur Stadium


Semana 5,




OAK 24,

CHI 21

New England Patriots (7-2) vs. Oakland Raiders (4-5)

Estadio Azteca

(Ciudad de México)

Semana 1,




NE 33,


-- NFL –

REESCRIBIENDO EL LIBRO DE MARCAS. Desde que asumió como titular a tiempo completo en Kansas City, en 2018, el mariscal de campo PATRICK MAHOMES lidera la NFL con 32 partidos con al menos 300 yardas aéreas. Desde que ingresó en la liga, en 2020, el mariscal de campo de Los Angeles Chargers JUSTIN HERBERT lidera la NFL con 19 partidos con al menos 300 yardas aéreas. Si Mahomes alcanza al menos 300 yardas aéreas contra Las Vegas en el clásico de lunes en la noche Monday Night Football (8:15 PM, hora de New York, ESPN), superaría al miembro del Salón de la Fama DAN MARINO (32 partidos) para la mayor cantidad de 300 yardas por partido por un jugador en sus primeras seis temporadas en la historia de la NFL. Si Herbert eclipsa las 300 yardas aéreas en Cleveland el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS), superaría a ANDREW LUCK (19 partidos) para la mayor cantidad de partidos con 300 yardas por un jugador en sus primeras tres temporadas en la historia.

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos con al menos 300 yardas aéreas en sus primeras seis temporadas en la historia de la NFL:

Patrick MahomesKansas City32* 
Dan MarinoHOFMiami32 
Kurt WarnerHOFSt. Louis Rams30 
*En su sexta temporada  


Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos con al menos 300 yardas aéreas en sus primeras tres temporadas en la historia de la NFL:

Justin HerbertL.A. Chargers19* 
Andrew LuckIndianapolis19 
Patrick MahomesKansas City17 
Kurt WarnerHOFSt. Louis Rams17 
*En su tercera temporada  


Herbert también ha registrado al menos 300 yardas aéreas en siete partidos consecutivos como visitante y puede sumarse a RICH GANNON (ocho juegos seguidos de gira entre 2001-02) como los únicos jugadores en la historia con al menos 300 yardas aéreas en ocho partidos consecutivos fuera de casa. Mahomes fue premiado como el jugador ofensivo de la semana de la AFC en la cuarta semana tras registrar 249 yardas aéreas y tres pases anotadores en el triunfo de Kansas City. Marcó el partido número 49 de su carrera con múltiples pases anotadores.

Con dos pases anotadores el lunes, Mahomes igualaría al miembro del Salón de la Fama PEYTON MANNING (50 partidos) para la segunda mayor cantidad de partidos con múltiples pases anotadores por un jugador en sus primeras seis temporadas en la historia de la NFL. Sólo Marino (58 partidos) tiene más.

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos con al menos dos pases anotadores en sus primeras seis temporadas en la historia de la NFL:

Dan MarinoHOFMiami58 
Peyton ManningHOFIndianapolis50 
Patrick MahomesKansas City49* 
Matt RyanAtlanta49 
Russell WilsonSeattle49 
*En su sexta temporada  

Ingresando en la quinta semana, Herbert ha registrado múltiples pases anotadores en cinco de sus últimos seis partidos desde la temporada pasada y tiene al menos dos pases anotadores en 25 de los primeros 36 partidos en su carrera. Con al menos dos pases anotadores el domingo, Herbert igualaría a Manning (26 partidos) para la tercera mayor cantidad de tales desempeños por un jugador en sus primeras tres temporadas en la historia. Sólo Marino (32 partidos) y Luck (28) tienen más.

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos con al menos dos pases anotadores en sus primeras tres temporadas en la historia de la NFL:

Dan MarinoHOFMiami32 
Andrew LuckIndianapolis28 
Peyton ManningHOFIndianapolis26 
Justin HerbertL.A. Chargers25* 
Derek CarrOakland Raiders25 
*En su tercera temporada  

-- NFL --

ALLEN, EL QUE ANOTA. El mariscal de campo de Buffalo, JOSH ALLEN, se ubica segundo en la NFL con 12 anotaciones aéreas y terrestres combinadas (10 pasando, dos acarreando) esta temporada y tiene 146 combinadas pasando y acarreos anotadores desde que ingresó en la NFL, en 2018, la cuarta mayor cantidad entre todos los jugadores sobre ese lapso.Cuando BUFFALO (3-1) reciba a PITTSBURGH (1-3) el domingo (1:00 PM, hora de New York, CBS), Allen necesita dos anotaciones para superar al miembro del Salón de la Fama PEYTON MANNING (147 anotaciones) para la cuarta mayor cantidad de anotaciones aéreas y terrestres combinadas por un jugador en sus primeras cinco temporadas en la historia de la NFL.

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de anotaciones aéreas y terrestres combinadas en sus primeras cinco temporadas en la historia de la NFL:

Dan MarinoHOFMiami1983-871683171
Cam NewtonCarolina2011-1511743160
Patrick MahomesKansas City2017-211518159
Peyton ManningHOFIndianapolis1998-20021389147
Josh AllenBuffalo2018-2211333146*
Andrew LuckIndianapolis2012-1613214146
*En su quinta temporada

-- NFL --

DOBLE AMENAZA EN EL DESIERTO. Desde el comienzo de la temporada 2020, KYLER MURRAY lidera a todos los mariscales de campo con 18 acarreos anotadores, mientras JALEN HURTS se ubica empatado en el segundo lugar con 17. Los dos se preparan para verse las caras cuando el último equipo invicto de la liga, PHILADELPHIA (4-0), viaje a ARIZONA (2-2) el domingo (4:25 PM, hora de New York, FOX).

La semana pasada, Murray registró el décimo partido de su carrera con al menos dos pases anotadores y un acarreo anotador, la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños por un mariscal de campo desde que ingresó en la NFL, en 2019. Con dos pases anotadores y un acarreo anotador el domingo, Murray puede igualar a JOSH ALLEN (11 partidos) para la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños por un mariscal de campo en sus primeras cuatro temporadas en la historia de la NFL. Solamente CAM NEWTON (12) tiene más. 

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos con al menos dos pases anotadores y algún acarreo anotador en sus primeras cuatro temporadas en la historia de la NFL:

Cam NewtonCarolina2011-1412
Josh AllenBuffalo2018-2111
Kyler MurrayArizona2019-2210*
*En su cuarta temporada

Hurts, de quien se espera que haga el inicio número 24 de su carrera, necesita un acarreo anotador para empatar a CAM NEWTON (18) para la mayor cantidad de acarreos anotadores por un mariscal de campo en sus primeras 25 titularidades en una carrera en la historia.Los mariscales de campo con las mayores cantidades de acarreos anotadores en sus primeras 25 titularidades en la historia de la NFL:

Cam NewtonCarolina18
Josh AllenBuffalo17
Jalen HurtsPhiladelphia17*
*En 23 titularidades

-- NFL --

SÚPER COOPER. El receptor de Los Angeles Rams COOPER KUPP lidera la NFL con 42 recepciones esta temporada.

Cuando LOS ANGELES RAMS (2-2) reciba a DALLAS COWBOYS (3-1) el domingo (4:25 PM, hora de New York, FOX), Kupp necesita seis recepciones para superar a T.J. HOUSHMANDZADEH (47 recepciones en 2007) y ADAM THIELEN (47 en 2018) para la mayor cantidad de recepciones para un jugador en los primeros cinco partidos de su equipo en una temporada en la historia.

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de recepciones en los primeros cinco partidos de su equipo en una temporada en la historia de la NFL:

T.J. HoushmandzadehCincinnati200747 
Adam ThielenMinnesota201847 
Michael ThomasNew Orleans201846 
Cooper KuppL.A. Rams202242* 
*Ingresando en la quinta semana

Kupp, que registró un pico de carrera con sus 14 recepciones de la cuarta semana, registró al menos 10 recepciones en tres de sus primeros cuatro partidos esta temporada y tiene 11 partidos en su carrera con 10 o más recepciones desde que ingresó en la NFL, en 2017. Con 10 recepciones el domingo, puede convertirse en el primer jugador en la historia de la NFL con al menos 10 recepciones en cuatro de sus primeros cinco partidos en una temporada. Puede también empatar a ANQUAN BOLDIN (12 partidos), JULIO JONES (12) y BRANDON MARSHALL (12) para la segunda mayor cantidad de tales desempeños por un jugador en sus primeras seis temporadas en la historia.

Los jugadores con las mayores cantidades de partidos con al menos 10 recepciones en sus primeras seis temporadas en la historia de la NFL:

Michael ThomasNew Orleans2016-2118
Anquan BoldinArizona2003-0812
Julio JonesAtlanta2011-1612
Brandon MarshallDenver, Miami2006-1112
Cooper KuppL.A. Rams2017-2211*
*En su sexta temporada

-- NFL --

DOMINANTE DAVANTE. El receptor de Las Vegas DAVANTE ADAMS esta temporada se ubica tercero entre los receptores de la AFC con 26 recepciones, y es uno de cinco jugadores en la liga con alguna recepción anotadora en tres de sus primeros cuatro partidos en 2022. Desde que ingresó en la NFL, en 2014, tiene 695 recepciones para 8,411 yardas y 76 anotaciones.

Cuando LAS VEGAS RAIDERS (1-3) visite a KANSAS CITY CHIEFS (3-1) en el clásico de lunes en la noche Monday Night Football (8:15 PM, hora de New York, ESPN), Adams necesita cinco recepciones para convertirse en el quinto jugador en la historia de la NFL con al menos 700 recepciones y 75 recepciones anotadoras en las primeras nueve temporadas de su carrera.

Los jugadores con al menos 700 recepciones y 75 recepciones anotadoras en sus primeras nueve temporadas en la historia de la NFL:

Larry FitzgeraldArizona2004-1276477
Marvin HarrisonHOFIndianapolis1996-200484598
Calvin JohnsonHOFDetroit2007-1573183
Jerry RiceHOFSan Francisco1985-93708118
Davante AdamsGreen Bay, Las Vegas2014-22695*76*
*En su novena temporada

Adams ingresa al partido del lunes por la noche habiendo superado las 100 yardas recibiendo en cada uno de sus últimos cinco partidos en horario central. Eso está empatado con COOPER KUPP (racha activa) para la racha más larga de ese tipo desde 1970. Con al menos 100 yardas recibiendo contra Kansas City, Adams se convertirá en el primer jugador en marcar al menos 100 yardas recibiendo en seis partidos consecutivos en horario central desde 1970. Raiders y Rams se encontrarán en el clásico de jueves en la noche Thursday Night Football en la semana 14, la próxima aparición programada en horario estelar para cada club. 

-- NFL --


The National Football League (NFL) successfully completed this year's Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching and Nunn-Wooten Scouting Fellowships to continue their efforts to strengthen the League's diverse talent. The Bill Walsh Diversity Fellowship had 171 fellows go through the initiative this year while the Nunn-Wooten Scouting Fellowship had 28 fellows.

Named after the late Pro Football Hall of Fame head coach, the annual Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching Fellowship provides experience to outstanding coaches from diverse backgrounds. Coach Walsh first introduced this concept to the League in 1987 when he brought a group of minority coaches to San Francisco 49ers' training camp. Present day, the fellowship is designed as a vocational tool to increase the number of full-time NFL minority coaches within the League while exposing fellows to the methods and philosophies of NFL coaching staff.

Conversely, the Nunn-Wooten Scouting Fellowship provides NFL players, former football players, and college recruiting and personnel staff, an on-site look at an NFL front office and insight on the skills needed for a career in professional scouting. Established in 2015, the Nunn-Wooten Scouting Fellowship is named after longtime NFL executives Bill Nunn and John Wooten who were champions in establishing a strong legacy.

While both programs gave fellows in-person training within their respective clubs, virtual programming was offered by Football Operations over the summer to provide an opportunity for Fellows to further their skillset, enhance their knowledge of the game, and to engage with colleagues and mentors.

2022 Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching Fellowship Virtual Speakers:

  • Clint McMillan, Tennessee Titans (former 2021 Bill Walsh Fellow)
  • Dan Williams, Kansas City Chiefs
  • Aditya Krishnan, Los Angeles Chargers

2022 Nunn-Wooten Scouting Fellowship Virtual Speakers:

  • Ameena Soliman, Philadelphia Eagles
  • Camren Williams, New England Patriots

New this year in conjunction with the Nunn-Wooten fellowship, the Minnesota Vikings launched the Gilliam-Reichow Personnel Fellowship; a comprehensive program creating opportunities for hands-on education for aspiring personnel and scouting executives. The fellowship's namesakes are Frank Gilliam, former Vikings Vice President of Player Personnel, and one of the NFL's first black scouts and Jerry Reichow, former Minnesota Vikings and Pro Bowl receiver, who later transitioned into a role within the team's front office, working with the club over five decades. Fellows in this particular program learned about player evaluation, scouting, film study and data analysis.

"It's been a great honor for our team to launch the Gilliam-Reichow Personnel Fellowship to work in conjunction with the impactful Nunn-Wooten Fellowship. Frank Gilliam and Jerry Reichow are two of the Vikings' biggest history makers – Gilliam as one of the NFL's first Black scouts and Reichow as a Pro Bowl receiver who successfully transitioned to the front office," said KWESI ADOFO-MENSAH, Minnesota Vikings General Manager. "This initiative is a great collaboration between our Legends, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and personnel groups. It is vital to advocate for programs that can create opportunities and hands-on education for our Legends and diverse candidates who may not otherwise receive that chance."

Both the Bill Walsh and Nunn-Wooten Fellowship have provided pertinent experience during the program's tenure and a path to success for the fellows once completed. Upon completion of the 2021 Bill Walsh Fellowship, KJ Black was selected to coach in the 2022 East-West Shrine Bowl. Black recently joined the Los Angeles Rams as a full-time coach working with the quarterbacks for the 2022 season. Other 2021 fellows who coached in the Bowl Game included Na'Shan Goddard, Trumaine Watson and Rashad Watson. Additionally, Clinton McMillan, a 2021 fellow with the Tennessee Titans, gained a full-time position this year as a Defensive Assistant with the team.

 "The Bill Walsh Coaching and Nunn-Wooten Fellowship programs serve as a meaningful opportunity to diversify our scouting and coaching staffs. We currently have three people on our staff, coaches KJ Black and Jonathan Cooley, and scout Cedric Jones, who came to our team through this program," said JACQUES MCCLENDON, Los Angeles Rams Director of Football Affairs. "General Manager Les Snead and Head Coach McVay both take great pride in providing our fellows the opportunity to get an immersive experience that exposes them to our staff and processes, while also exposing us to their talents as well. These initiatives are an essential recruiting tool in ensuring we are continuing to acquire diverse, talented individuals that fit our culture and make us a better organization."

Among the 2022 Nunn-Wooten Fellows, there were a total of five female participants: a record-high for the program's history.

For more information on the Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching Fellowship and the Nunn-Wooten Scouting Fellowship, visit