| | El Director General del Baloncesto Superior Nacional Femenino (BSNF), Luis G. Miranda Ramos, confirmó la celebración este próximo sábado, 30 de enero, de la primera reunión del organismo de cara a la venidera temporada 2021. A los trabajos fueron convocados los apoderados de cada equipo, así como el Presidente de la Federación de Baloncesto de Puerto Rico, Lcdo. Yum Ramos. Los mismos comenzarán a las 10:00 a.m. en la sede de la federación. “Vamos a discutir varios puntos. Por ejemplo, nuestro reglamento establece que en este primera reunión se presenta el reporte financiero del año que acaba de culminar y se discute el presupuesto para este año”, explicó Miranda Ramos. Entre los temas en agenda, junto al informe económico, está el acuerdo de afiliación entre la FBPUR y el BSNF para el 2021, las negociaciones con los canales de televisión, el estatus de los equipos, el sorteo de nuevo ingreso, la liga de verano y los compromisos de la Selección. La temporada está pautada para comenzar el 14 de agosto.
La Fundación Kinesis y JJ Barea Foundation unen esfuerzos para otorgar becas a estudiantes del Proyecto Enlace San Juan, Puerto Rico – 29 de enero de 2021. Las fundaciones José Juan Barea y Kinesis anunciaron una alianza para la otorgación de becas a estudiantes de limitaciones económicas con excelencia académica, acuerdo que beneficiará a estudiantes de las escuelas Ramón Vilá Mayo de Río Piedras, y Península de Canteras, a través del proyecto Enlace. Esta beca será otorgada a 10 alumnos, para la participación en el programa “Bright Stars” de la Fundación Kinesis. Este programa está dirigido a estudiantes puertorriqueños de 9no hasta 12mo grado, en su preparación académica mediante la construcción de un perfil competitivo para un proceso de admisión universitaria exitoso. El mismo ofrece talleres de liderazgo y emprendimiento, refuerzos en matemática e inglés, certificaciones en programas de Microsoft Office y asesoría universitaria, entre otros servicios. “La juventud es un elemento muy importante para el desarrollo y bienestar de mi País, por lo que facilitarles las herramientas y ser enlace, a través de mi Fundación, para hacerle llegar las oportunidades me llena de satisfacción. Es muy importante que la juventud esté preparada para aceptar y adentrarse al reto de la fase adulta y universitaria, y estoy seguro que este proyecto ayudará a que estos chicos lo logren”, explicó a la distancia el propio José Juan Barea, quien actualmente se encuentra en España para iniciar su participación en la liga profesional de baloncesto de ese país. A la firma del acuerdo asistieron los estudiantes Javier Pacheco, Christian Ventura y Endry Martínez, del proyecto Enlace. Por su parte, José E. Fernández, fundador de la Fundación Kinesis, expresó su alegría y satisfacción de lograr una unión con la fundación del baloncelista a beneficio de los estudiantes puertorriqueños. “Nos sentimos muy contentos de unir esfuerzos con la Fundación JJ Barea, para poder continuar brindando oportunidades educativas a estudiantes sobresalientes de Puerto Rico, tanto en lo académico como en lo deportivo. Para nosotros es muy importante que los estudiantes puedan recibir la mejor formación académica de un modo accesible” sostuvo el fundador de Kinesis, organización sin fines de lucro que provee recursos necesarios para que estudiantes puertorriqueños obtengan una educación de alto nivel con el propósito de empoderarlos para el desarrollo de un entorno socio económico saludable para el País. Los participantes deben ser estudiantes del Proyecto Enlace y ser estudiantes de las escuelas Vilá Mayo o Península de Canteras, cursar el noveno grado, tener un promedio de 3.50 o más y comprometerse a participar activamente en las actividades del programa “Bright Stars”. “Contar con la Fundación Kinesis, para impactar a jóvenes del Proyecto Enlace y ayudarlos a optimizar la educación superior de los estudiantes de estos sectores significa mucho para nosotros. Es brindarle una oportunidad para que puedan lograr su admisión universitaria y convertirse en profesionales”, agregó Fernández. Mientras tanto, Frances J. Rodríguez, gerente de relaciones públicas de T-Mobile, empresa que durante años ha respaldado la gestión de la Fundación de JJ Barea, expresó su satisfacción de ser parte de proyectos que benefician a los jóvenes puertorriqueños. “Agradecemos a la Fundación JJ Barea, a Kinesis y el Proyecto Enlace por la colaboración en este proyecto, que esperamos sea de gran impacto para los jóvenes. Continuamos creando alianzas que nos permitan utilizar la tecnología y continuar cerrando la brecha de educación y digital. Felicitamos a estos merecedores de estas becas y les deseamos el mayor de los éxitos en el programa”, expresó Rodríguez. Para más información de ambas fundaciones acceda a las redes sociales en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FundacionKinesis https://www.facebook.com/JJBareaFoundation
Please be advised of the following updates to the 2020-21 NBA Schedule: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - The Oklahoma City at Memphis game, previously targeted for the Second Half, will be scheduled for 9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM local.
Thursday, March 4, 2021 - The Golden State at Phoenix game, previously scheduled for January 15, will be scheduled for 10:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM local.
As of 1-30-2021 8:30 PM ET
Video from virtual ceremony available HERE. 
PRESENTED BY KAISER PERMANENTE – NBA and Kaiser Permanente to Donate $10,000 to The Children’s Village – NEW YORK, Jan. 29, 2021 – Utah Jazz guard Donovan Mitchell has received the Offseason NBA Cares Community Assist Award presented by Kaiser Permanente in recognition of his continued efforts to advance social justice and champion education between the 2019-20 and 2020-21 NBA seasons, the NBA announced today. This is the fourth year the NBA and Kaiser Permanente have presented the offseason award to an NBA player for his impactful work from the end of the regular season to the start of the following season. Mitchell is committed to providing educational access and support for young people of all backgrounds, particularly from communities of color. In December, the Mitchell family pledged $12 million to Greenwich Country Day School, Donovan and his sister Jordan’s alma mater and the school where their mother, Nicole, taught for more than a decade. The contribution was the largest single donation in the school’s history and will be used to create the Mitchell Family Scholarship Fund to aid students from pre-K-12th grade, the Nicole Mitchell Faculty Support Fund to assist teachers who demonstrate the same passion for teaching as Nicole, as well as the new D.O.N.! The Determination Over Negativity Mitchell Family Athletic Center. This past summer, Mitchell also donated the proceeds of his Adidas D.O.N. Issue #2 sneakers to support the education of Jacob Blake’s children, students of color at the University of Louisville and teachers at preschools in Connecticut and the Bronx, totaling more than $300,000 in scholarships and academic assistance. Following his unwavering commitment to speak out against racial injustice during the 2019-20 NBA season restart, Mitchell continued the conversation during the offseason, joining then vice-presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris, Portland’s CJ McCollum and Philadelphia’s Tobias Harris for a discussion on educational, economic and social inequities. Mitchell was also named to the inaugural board of the National Basketball Social Justice Coalition, which will leverage the game’s influence to raise awareness, educate and advocate for meaningful reform, and regularly gives back to those most in need through his SPIDACARES organization. “I’m honored to receive the NBA Community Assist Award. We, as athletes, have a responsibility to do our part to give back to our communities and raise the bar for the next generation,” said Mitchell. “Not too long ago I was one of those kids that looked up to professional athletes, and I recognize how blessed I am to be in this position to give back to the multiple communities that have contributed to my growth not only as an athlete but as a person. My goal is to continue to inspire and encourage youth, from coast to coast with an emphasis on the importance of education.” Mitchell was presented with the award during a special virtual ceremony with league, Kaiser Permanente and Jazz officials, including the team’s new Governor Ryan Smith, as well as members of The Children’s Village on Monday, and will also be recognized during the Jazz’s home game tonight against the Dallas Mavericks (10:00 p.m. ET on ESPN). In addition, Kaiser Permanente and the NBA will donate $10,000 on Mitchell’s behalf to The Children’s Village in New York. The NBA Cares Community Assist Award presented by Kaiser Permanente recognizes an NBA player each month who best reflects the passion that the league and its players share for giving back to their communities. It honors the standard set by NBA Legend David Robinson, who improved the community piece by piece. At the end of the 2020-21 regular season, the Seasonlong NBA Cares Community Assist Award winner will be announced. To learn more, please visit http://www.nba.com/communityassist/. About Kaiser Permanente Kaiser Permanente is committed to helping shape the future of health care. We are recognized as one of America’s leading health care providers and not-for-profit health plans. Founded in 1945, Kaiser Permanente has a mission to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. We currently serve 12.2 million members in eight states and the District of Columbia. Care for members and patients is focused on their total health and guided by their personal Permanente Medical Group physicians, specialists and team of caregivers. Our expert and caring medical teams are empowered and supported by industry-leading technology advances and tools for health promotion, disease prevention, state-of-the-art care delivery and world-class chronic disease management. Kaiser Permanente is dedicated to care innovations, clinical research, health education and the support of community health. about.kp.org 
Please be advised of the following updates to the 2020-21 NBA Schedule: Monday, February 1, 2021 - The Minnesota at Cleveland game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
Tuesday, February 2, 2021 - The Memphis at Indiana game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
- The Detroit at Utah game will change game time to 10:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM local.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 - The LA Clippers at Cleveland game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
- The Washington at Miami game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
Thursday, February 4, 2021 - The Portland at Philadelphia game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
- The Houston at Memphis game will change game time to 9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM local.
Friday, February 5, 2021 - The Utah at Charlotte game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
Saturday, February 6, 2021 - The Toronto at Atlanta game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
- The Brooklyn at Philadelphia game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
- The Memphis at New Orleans game will change game time to 9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM local.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 - The Indiana at Brooklyn game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
- The New Orleans at Chicago game will change game time to 9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM local.
Thursday, February 11, 2021 - The Indiana at Detroit game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
Saturday, February 13, 2021 - The Philadelphia at Phoenix game will change game time to 3:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM local, and remain televised by NBA TV.
- The Houston at New York game will change game time to 8:00 PM ET.
Please be advised of the following updates to the 2020-21 NBA Schedule: Thursday, February 11, 2021 - The Toronto at Boston game, previously scheduled for February 12, will be scheduled for 7:30 PM ET.
Friday, February 12, 2021 - The Detroit at Boston game, previously scheduled for February 14, will be scheduled for 8:00 PM ET.
Sunday, February 14, 2021 - The Boston at Washington game, previously targeted for the Second Half, will be scheduled for 1:00 PM ET.
- The New Orleans at Detroit game, previously targeted for the Second Half, will be scheduled for 7:00 PM ET.

NBA AND NBPA ANNOUNCE COVID-19 TEST RESULTS NEW YORK, Jan. 27, 2021 – Of the 492 players tested for COVID-19 since Jan. 20, one new player has returned a confirmed positive test. Anyone who has returned a confirmed positive test, or has been identified as having been in close contact to an infected person, is isolated or quarantined until they are cleared under the rules established by the NBA and the Players Association in accordance with CDC guidance.
Please be advised of the following update to the 2020-21 NBA Schedule: Saturday, January 30, 2021 The Phoenix at Dallas game will change game time to 9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM local. As of 1-25-2021 2:05 PM ET NBA TO ADJUST SCHEDULE FOR FIRST HALF OF 2020-21 SEASON – Three Game Modifications for Next Week – NEW YORK, Jan. 27, 2021 – The National Basketball Association announced today that it will reschedule during the First Half of the season certain games that were previously postponed. In addition, certain games that were otherwise scheduled for the Second Half will now be scheduled into the First Half, with a specific focus on the teams with the most postponed games to date. To create the maximum flexibility, dates of existing games may also be moved in order to schedule additional games into the First Half. Below are the initial changes to the upcoming schedule: - Portland at Washington – Feb. 2, 8 p.m. ET (previously targeted for Second Half)
- Washington at Charlotte – Feb. 7, 1 p.m. ET (rescheduled from Jan. 20)
- Portland at Charlotte – Postponed on Feb. 7, moved to Second Half
| Minas and Obras, new participants of the BCL Americas |
JANUARY 27, 2021MIAMI (United States) - Minas Tênis Clube (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) and Obras Sanitarias (Buenos Aires, Argentina) are the two new teams who will take part in the second season of the Basketball Champions League Americas, replacing the Uruguayan teams Aguada and Peñarol, who will not participate in the competition because of health protocols in place in Uruguay.
Obras Sanitarias will be added to Group C with San Lorenzo (Argentina) and Franca (Brazil) to play in the first bubble, which takes place in the city of Buenos Aires (Argentina). San Lorenzo will play Obras (Sunday, January 31), followed by Obras playing Franca (Monday, February 1) and San Lorenzo finishes the bubble playing Franca (Tuesday, February 2).
Minas Tênis Clube joins Group D together with Flamengo (Brazil) and Instituto (Argentina). This bubble which will be played in Rio de Janeiro, where Minas will face Flamengo on Wednesday, February 3 and Instituto on Thursday, February 4. The remaining match will be between Flamengo vs Instituto, on Friday 5.
Group A remains with Real Estelí (Nicaragua), Titanes de Barranquilla (Colombia) and Caballos de Coclé (Panama), which will start the competition in Managua (Nicaragua). Group B is made up of Quimsa de Santiago del Estero (Argentina), Universidad de Concepción (Chile) and São Paulo FC (Brazil), which will meet between January 31 and February 2 in Buenos Aires as well.
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Minas y Obras, nuevos participantes de la BCL Americas |
22 DE ENERO DE 2021MIAMI (Estados Unidos) - Minas Tênis Clube (Belo Horizonte, Brasil) y Obras Sanitarias (Buenos Aires, Argentina) son los nuevos integrantes de la segunda temporada de la Basketball Champions League Americas en reemplazo de los equipos uruguayos Aguada y Peñarol, quienes no podrán participar de la competencia por la situación sanitaria y las restricciones vigentes en Uruguay.
Obras Basket integrará el Grupo C con San Lorenzo (Argentina) y Franca (Brasil). En la primera burbuja, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), se medirán San Lorenzo-Obras (domingo 31 de enero), Obras-Franca (lunes 1 de febrero) y San Lorenzo-Franca (martes 2 de febrero).
Por su parte, Minas Tênis Clube se suma al Grupo D junto con Flamengo (Brasil) e Instituto (Argentina). En la primera burbuja, en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, Minas se enfrentará a Flamengo el miércoles 3 de febrero y a Instituto el jueves 4 de febrero. El partido restante será Flamengo-Instituto, el viernes 5.
El Grupo A se mantiene con Real Estelí (Nicaragua), Titanes de Barranquilla (Colombia) y Caballos de Coclé (Panamá), quienes empezarán la competencia en Managua (Nicaragua). Mientras que el Grupo B quedó conformado por Quimsa de Santiago del Estero (Argentina), Universidad de Concepción (Chile) y São Paulo FC (Brasil), que se enfrentarán entre el 31 de enero y el 2 de febrero en Buenos Aires.
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Minas e Obras, novos participantes da BCL Americas |
27 DE JANEIRO DE 2021MIAMI (Estados Unidos) - Minas Tênis Clube (Belo Horizonte, Brasil) e Obras Sanitarias (Buenos Aires, Argentina) são os novos times da segunda temporada da Basketball Champions League Americas em substituição das equipes uruguaias Aguada e Peñarol, que não poderão participar no torneio devido à situação sanitária e às restrições em vigor no Uruguai.
Obras Basket integrará o Grupo C com San Lorenzo (Argentina) e Franca (Brasil). Na primeira bolha, na cidade de Buenos Aires (Argentina), se enfrentarão San Lorenzo-Obras (domingo 31 de janeiro), Obras-Franca (segunda-feira 1 de fevereiro) e San Lorenzo-Franca (terça-feira 2 de fevereiro).
Por sua vez, Minas Tênis Clube se soma ao Grupo D junto com Flamengo (Brasil) e Instituto (Argentina). Na primeira bolha, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Minas enfrentará o Flamengo na quarta-feira 3 de fevereiro e o Instituto na quinta-feira 4 de fevereiro. O último jogo será Flamengo-Instituto, nesta sexta-feira 5.
O Grupo A se mantém com Real Estelí (Nicarágua), Titanes de Barranquilla (Colômbia) e Caballos de Coclé (Panamá), que começarão a competição em Manágua (Nicarágua). Enquanto o Grupo B, com Quimsa de Santiago del Estero (Argentina), Universidad de Concepción (Chile) e São Paulo FC (Brasil), que jogarão entre 31 de janeiro e 2 de fevereiro em Buenos Aires. |
### Acerca de Basketball Champions League Americas Basketball Champions League Americas es una innovadora asociación entre FIBA, Federaciones y Ligas, con la participación de 12 grandes equipos de las Américas. Se trata de una competición justa, basada en principios deportivos, con equipos clasificados a través de sus ligas nacionales.

IGNITE UNVEILS 2021 SINGLE-SITE SCHEDULE AT DISNEY – Season Tips Off Feb. 10 at ESPN Wide World of Sports; All 15 Ignite Games to Air Live – WALNUT CREEK, Calif. Jan. 27, 2021 – Televised matchups against 15 NBA G League opponents highlight an exciting single-site slate for the NBA G League Ignite, whose 2021 season tips off next month at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at Walt Disney World Resort. All 15 of Ignite’s games will be played at AdventHealth Arena, with 10 games airing live on ESPN2 or ESPNU and five streaming on ESPN+. Ignite, coached by five-time NBA Champion Brian Shaw and featuring top 2021 NBA Draft prospects including Jalen Green, Jonathan Kuminga, Isaiah Todd and Daishen Nix, makes its debut on Wednesday, Feb. 10 against NBA veteran Jeremy Lin and the Santa Cruz Warriors. In addition to Santa Cruz, the slate includes 14 other G League opponents throughout the regular-season schedule, which runs through Saturday, March 6. Ignite will compete to be among the top eight teams who will advance to a single-elimination playoff beginning on March 8, with the NBA G Final presented by YouTube TV on March 11. Ignite’s regular-season schedule at Disney is as follows: Date | Opponent | Time (ET) | TV | Wednesday, Feb. 10 | Santa Cruz Warriors | 11 a.m. | ESPN2 | Friday, Feb. 12 | at Oklahoma City | 3 p.m. | ESPNU | Saturday, Feb. 13 | Raptors 905 | 7 p.m. | ESPN+ | Monday, Feb. 15 | at Iowa Wolves | 3 p.m. | ESPNU | Wednesday, Feb. 17 | at Erie Bayhawks | 3 p.m. | ESPNU | Thursday, Feb. 18 | at Westchester Knicks | 7 p.m. | ESPN+ | Sunday, Feb. 21 | at Greensboro Swarm | 3 p.m. | ESPN+ | Monday, Feb. 22 | Long Island Nets | 3 p.m. | ESPNU | Wednesday, Feb. 24 | at Memphis Hustle | 3 p.m. | ESPN2 | Friday, Feb. 26 | Salt Lake City Stars | 3 p.m. | ESPN2 | Saturday, Feb. 27 | at Canton Charge | 7 p.m. | ESPN+ | Monday, March 1 | at Delaware Blue Coats | 3 p.m. | ESPN2 | Wednesday, March 3 | Agua Caliente Clippers | 3 p.m. | ESPNU | Thursday, March 4 | Rio Grande Valley Vipers | 3 p.m. | ESPNU | Saturday, March 6 | Austin Spurs | 7 p.m. | ESPN+ |
About NBA G League Ignite NBA G League Ignite is a first-of-its-kind team dedicated to developing top young prospects in preparation for the NBA Draft. Based in Walnut Creek, Calif., and coached by five-time NBA champion Brian Shaw, the roster includes elite players who are eligible for the 2021 NBA Draft as well as NBA and NBA G League veterans who serve as mentors to the team’s young talent. The one-year program focuses on high-level competition and accelerated on-court development for players who are beginning their professional careers. Additionally, the team provides life skills training that includes financial literacy education, community service involvement and scholarship opportunities. While Ignite is not a traditional NBA G League team, competition includes games against NBA G League opponents and exhibitions against international teams.

| | NBA All-Star Voting presented by AT&T tips off Thursday, Jan. 28 | Discussions regarding Potential NBA All-Star Game are ongoing | NEW YORK, United States of America, January 27, 2021/ -- NBA All-Star Voting Will Be Available Across NBA.com, NBA App and Twitter; discussions Regarding Potential NBA All-Star Game Are Ongoing
NBA (NBA.com) All-Star Voting 2021 presented by AT&T (ATT.com), the official 5G wireless network of the NBA, will tip off tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 28 at noon ET and conclude on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 11:59 p.m. ET, giving fans the opportunity to vote for the NBA All-Star starters. Discussions surrounding a potential NBA All-Star Game are ongoing.
Throughout the voting period, fans may submit one full ballot each day via the NBA App and NBA.com, as well as vote for up to 10 unique players per day on Twitter. All current NBA players will be available for selection. Five “2-for-1 Days” will allow fans to have their votes count twice on Jan. 30, Feb. 2, Feb. 4, Feb. 13 and Feb. 16 through Twitter, NBA.com and the NBA App voting platforms. All “2-for-1 Days” will be designated from midnight ET – 11:59 p.m. ET.
NBA players and media will join fans in selecting the NBA All-Star starters. Fans will account for 50 percent of the vote, while all current players and a media panel will account for 25 percent each. Players and media will be able to complete one ballot, featuring three frontcourt players and two guards from both the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference.
After all votes are tallied, players will be ranked in each conference by position (guard and frontcourt) within each of the three voting groups – fan votes, player votes and media votes. Each player’s score will be calculated by averaging his weighted rank from the fan votes, the player votes and the media votes. The two guards and three frontcourt players with the best score in each conference will be named NBA All-Star starters. Fan voting will serve as the tiebreaker for players in a position group with the same score.
Fan voting updates will be shared on Thursday, Feb. 4 and Thursday, Feb. 11. TNT will reveal this season’s NBA All-Star starters the evening of Thursday, Feb. 18 during TNT NBA Tip-Off presented by CarMax. TNT will also announce the NBA All-Star reserves, as selected by NBA head coaches, the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 23.
How Fans Can Vote: - NBA.com voting page at vote.NBA.com: Fill out one full ballot per day (per day is defined as once every 24 hours) on vote.NBA.com from a desktop or mobile browser. Fans can select up to two guards and three frontcourt players from each conference when choosing starters.
- NBA App: Access the ballot and vote through the NBA App, which is available on Android and iOS. Fans can fill out one full ballot per day by selecting up to two guards and three frontcourt players from each conference when choosing starters.
- Twitter: Tweet, retweet or reply with a hashtag of an NBA player’s first and last name (#FirstNameLastName) or Twitter handle, along with the hashtag #NBAAllStar. Each tweet may include only one player’s name or handle. Fans may vote for 10 unique players per day from Jan. 28 – Feb. 16.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of National Basketball Association (NBA). View multimedia content 
NUGGETS’ MURRAY FINED NEW YORK, Jan. 27, 2021 – Denver Nuggets guard Jamal Murray has been fined $25,000 for striking Dallas Mavericks guard Tim Hardaway Jr. in the groin area, it was announced today by Kiki VanDeWeghe, Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations. The incident, for which Murray received a Flagrant Foul 2 and was ejected, occurred with 4:51 remaining in the third quarter of the Nuggets’ 117-113 victory over the Mavericks on Jan. 25 at American Airlines Center.
To view the incident, click on the following link: https://www.nba.com/watch/video/nuggets-vs-mavericks-1-25-21

– NBA All-Star Voting Will Be Available Across NBA.com, NBA App and Twitter – – Discussions Regarding Potential NBA All-Star Game Are Ongoing – NEW YORK, Jan. 27, 2021 – NBA All-Star Voting 2021 presented by AT&T, the official 5G wireless network of the NBA, will tip off tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 28 at noon ET and conclude on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 11:59 p.m. ET, giving fans the opportunity to vote for the NBA All-Star starters. Discussions surrounding a potential NBA All-Star Game are ongoing. Throughout the voting period, fans may submit one full ballot each day via the NBA App and NBA.com, as well as vote for up to 10 unique players per day on Twitter. All current NBA players will be available for selection. Five “2-for-1 Days” will allow fans to have their votes count twice on Jan. 30, Feb. 2, Feb. 4, Feb. 13 and Feb. 16 through Twitter, NBA.com and the NBA App voting platforms. All “2-for-1 Days” will be designated from midnight ET – 11:59 p.m. ET.
NBA players and media will join fans in selecting the NBA All-Star starters. Fans will account for 50 percent of the vote, while all current players and a media panel will account for 25 percent each. Players and media will be able to complete one ballot, featuring three frontcourt players and two guards from both the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. After all votes are tallied, players will be ranked in each conference by position (guard and frontcourt) within each of the three voting groups – fan votes, player votes and media votes. Each player’s score will be calculated by averaging his weighted rank from the fan votes, the player votes and the media votes. The two guards and three frontcourt players with the best score in each conference will be named NBA All-Star starters. Fan voting will serve as the tiebreaker for players in a position group with the same score. Fan voting updates will be shared on Thursday, Feb. 4 and Thursday, Feb. 11. TNT will reveal this season’s NBA All-Star starters the evening of Thursday, Feb. 18 during TNT NBA Tip-Off presented by CarMax. TNT will also announce the NBA All-Star reserves, as selected by NBA head coaches, the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 23. How Fans Can Vote: - NBA.com voting page at vote.NBA.com: Fill out one full ballot per day (per day is defined as once every 24 hours) on vote.NBA.com from a desktop or mobile browser. Fans can select up to two guards and three frontcourt players from each conference when choosing starters.
- NBA App: Access the ballot and vote through the NBA App, which is available on Android and iOS. Fans can fill out one full ballot per day by selecting up to two guards and three frontcourt players from each conference when choosing starters.
- Twitter: Tweet, retweet or reply with a hashtag of an NBA player’s first and last name (#FirstNameLastName) or Twitter handle, along with the hashtag #NBAAllStar. Each tweet may include only one player’s name or handle. Fans may vote for 10 unique players per day from Jan. 28 – Feb. 16.

SAN ANTONIO AT NEW ORLEANS GAME POSTPONED NEW YORK, Jan. 25, 2021 – The National Basketball Association game scheduled for tonight between the San Antonio Spurs and New Orleans Pelicans at Smoothie King Center has been postponed in accordance with the league’s Health and Safety Protocols. Because of ongoing contact tracing within both the Spurs and Pelicans, neither team has the league-required eight available players to proceed with the scheduled game. 
CHICAGO AT MEMPHIS GAME POSTPONED NEW YORK, Jan. 24, 2021 – The National Basketball Association game scheduled for Wed., Jan. 27 between the Chicago Bulls and Memphis Grizzlies at FedExForum has been postponed in accordance with the league’s Health and Safety Protocols.
The game is being postponed due to contact tracing within the Grizzlies and the length of time preceding the game during which Memphis will be unable to practice.
Please be advised of the following update to the 2020-21 NBA National TV Schedule: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 The LA Clippers at Atlanta game will now be televised by NBA TV. The Washington at Houston game will no longer be televised by NBA TV.
| El Director General del Baloncesto Superior Nacional Femenino (BSNF), Luis G. Miranda Ramos, confirmó la celebración este próximo sábado, 30 de enero, de la primera reunión del organismo de cara a la venidera temporada 2021. A los trabajos fueron convocados los apoderados de cada equipo, así como el Presidente de la Federación de Baloncesto de Puerto Rico, Lcdo. Yum Ramos. Los mismos comenzarán a las 10:00 a.m. en la sede de la federación. “Vamos a discutir varios puntos. Por ejemplo, nuestro reglamento establece que en este primera reunión se presenta el reporte financiero del año que acaba de culminar y se discute el presupuesto para este año”, explicó Miranda Ramos. Entre los temas en agenda, junto al informe económico, está el acuerdo de afiliación entre la FBPUR y el BSNF para el 2021, las negociaciones con los canales de televisión, el estatus de los equipos, el sorteo de nuevo ingreso, la liga de verano y los compromisos de la Selección. La temporada está pautada para comenzar el 14 de agosto. |
Kobe Bryant was a model for post-retirement success. His business efforts live on as another highlight of his illustrious career. |
 Robert Hanashiro-USA TODAY Sports |
One of many ways Kobe Bryant’s legacy continues is through the variety of business endeavors he launched following his NBA career. He had also established himself as an author and Oscar-winning filmmaker. “The most important thing I enjoy now is helping others be successful,” Bryant said after retiring in 2016. “That’s something that lasts forever.” Bryant’s Portfolio: - Venture capital firm Bryant Stibel & Co., which invested in more than two dozen companies, including Epic Games, Tile, Cholula, Dell, Alibaba and LegalZoom.
- Co-founded sports drink brand BodyArmor, which hit $1 billion in sales in 2020.
- Co-founded grooming brand Art of Sport, which now sells 14 products at Target.
- Founded Granity Studios, a multimedia sports content company, with his widow Vanessa Bryant, who is now acting CEO.
There may be new Bryant businesses emerging. “Mamba,” “Mamba League” and “Lil’ Mambas” are among recent trademarks filed by his family. The trademark filings list apparel, technology and a content website as potential ventures. | |
 David Butler II-USA TODAY Sports |
Fenway Sports Group, parent company to the Boston Red Sox, has ended discussions to sell a minority stake to RedBall Acquisition at an approximately $8 billion valuation. RedBall is a SPAC led by famed Oakland Athletics executive Billy Beane and investor Gerry Cardinale. Reports came out in October that RedBall was looking to raise $1 billion for a roughly 25% stake in Fenway Sports Group, but the company says it could not raise enough capital at the asking price for the proposed SPAC structure, according to Axios. On top of the $575 million that RedBall raised in its IPO, the company also hoped to raise up to $950 million from Cardinale’s private equity firm, RedBird Capital Partners, as well as outside investors. While negotiations to go public are over for now, Cardinale and Fenway Sports Group could still wind up with a private investment deal. Meanwhile, RedBall will still target an acquisition — potentially in soccer or gaming, Axios reported. In addition to the Red Sox and Fenway Park, Fenway Sports Group’s properties include Liverpool F.C., New England Sports Network, the Salem Red Sox, Roush Fenway Racing and Fenway Sports Management. The Red Sox were valued at an estimated $3.3 billion last year, according to Forbes, nearly ten times the $380 million the ownership group paid in 2002. | |

The Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show is one of the biggest moments of the year. This year, award-winning artist The Weeknd is set to perform an amazing show. Grab and scan your Pepsi to get closer to the action and experience Halftime like never before. Visit pepsihalftime.com to learn more. |
 Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports |
Atlanta may get a surprise sports boost this year. The NBA and the National Basketball Players Association are discussing an All-Star Game in the city in March during the league’s midseason break, according to ESPN. The original All-Star weekend was planned for Feb. 12-14 in Indianapolis, but was canceled in November due to the pandemic and the league’s shifting schedule. Atlanta is home to NBA broadcast partner Turner Sports, which likely wants to move forward with one of its tentpole events in the same way ESPN wanted the season to start in time for Christmas Day games. As an added bonus, it could pull off the broadcast without needing employees to travel. The originally scheduled game would have provided Indianapolis with a significant financial windfall. - The economic impact was projected to reach $100 million with the help of roughly 6,700 hotel rooms expected to be booked downtown alone.
- After the cancellation, the NBA locked in the city as the host of 2024 All-Star Weekend.
If there does end up being a game in Atlanta — also the scheduled location of the 2021 MLB All-Star Game — the city will not see the same numbers as a typical year. “Talks are centered on a stripped-down All-Star Game scenario that would largely be focused on the game — with little in the way of fan-related experiences, if any,” ESPN reported. The game could also include showcases and fundraising opportunities for Historically Black Colleges and Universities as well as COVID-19 relief. Both the Atlanta Hawks’ State Farm Arena and Atlanta-based HBCU campus gyms are reportedly being considered as the host site. | |
- The Washington Football Team named Jennifer King assistant running backs coach. King is the first full-time Black female coach in NFL history.
- Internet personality-turned-professional boxer Jake Paul will face former UFC fighter Ben Askren in an eight-round pro boxing match on April 17. The event is the second for Triller Fight Club, a joint venture between the social video platform and Snoop Dogg.
- The 2021 Boston Marathon is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 11, sixth months later than its usual date. The 2020 event was canceled, ending a 123-year streak.
- Caris LeVert underwent successful surgery to treat renal cell carcinoma of his left kidney. A small mass was discovered on his kidney when we underwent a physical to complete a trade from the Brooklyn Nets to Indiana Pacers earlier this month.

In a unique year for sports, several organizations set fantastic examples for the rest of the industry by showing strong leadership and putting employee welfare first in the face of COVID-19. FOS will sit down with leaders from the Charlotte Hornets and Miami Dolphins, two of the winning organizations from 2020’s Best Employers in Sports Awards presented by FEVO, for a roundtable discussion on how their organizations kept the focus on their employees, even in uncertain times. The conversation will also cover how they are tackling initiatives around diversity and inclusion, COVID-19, professional development, and more. The discussion, led by Front Office Sports CEO Adam White and FEVO CEO Ari Daie, will include: - Fred Whitfield, President, Vice Chairman, Alternate Governor & Minority Owner, Charlotte Hornets
- Jason Jenkins, Senior VP, Communications and Community Affairs, Miami Dolphins
Join in LIVE on Tuesday, February 2nd at 1PM ET. Grab Your Spot Now! |
GameStop continued its rocket upwards while markets closed slightly down on Tuesday. Here’s a look at how sports stocks performed: Up: GameStop (NYSE: GME) was up 92.61% Allied Esports Entertainment (NASDAQ: AESE) was up 38.51% Fox Corp. (NASDAQ: FOX) was up 8.87% Down: Peloton (NASDAQ: PTON) was down 5.95% Caesars Entertainment (NASDAQ: CZR) was down 5.15% Penn National Gaming (NASDAQ: PENN) was down 4.35% (Note: All as of market close on 1/26/21) |
The Washington Capitals (3-0-3) host the New York Islanders (3-2-0) tonight at Capital One Arena for the first of a two-game set. The game is the first matchup between the East Division teams this season, having split four games last year. Alex Ovechkin, Evgeny Kuznetsov, Ilya Samsonov and Dmitry Orlov will be absent for the Capitals due to COVID-19 protocols. Tom Wilson is also questionable due to a lower body injury. |
| | Tokyo 2020 Olympic Basketball Tournaments Draw set for February 2nd |
JANUARY 29, 2021MIES (Switzerland) - FIBA is pleased to announce that the Draw Ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Basketball Tournaments, for both women and men, will take place on Tuesday, February 2nd at the Patrick Baumann House of Basketball in Mies, Switzerland.
Due to the current health pandemic, the Draw will take place behind closed doors and will be streamed across FIBA's digital channels on YouTube and Facebook at 10:30 local time (CET/GMT +1).
Here are the draw procedures for both tournaments:
Women's Olympic Basketball Tournament Draw Procedure Twelve teams have qualified for the Tokyo 2020 Women's Olympic Basketball Tournament, representing five continents. They are:
Africa: Nigeria Americas: Canada, Puerto Rico and the USA Asia: China, Japan (host) and Korea Europe: Belgium, France, Serbia and Spain Oceania: Australia
Each team will be allocated to four pots based on the FIBA Women's World Ranking, presented by Nike. The Draw will distribute the teams in three groups of four teams each and all teams will be drawn and placed into either Group A, B or C. There can be a maximum of one group with two European teams and no more than one team from other continents in the same group.
Below is the draw procedure for the Tokyo 2020 Women's Olympic Basketball Tournament: |
 | Draw Procedures - Tokyo 2020 - Women's Olympic Basketball Tournament |
Men's Olympic Basketball Tournament Draw Procedure Eight teams have already qualified for the Tokyo 2020 Men's Olympic Basketball Tournament through the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019, representing five continents. They are:Africa: Nigeria Americas: Argentina and the USA Asia: Iran and Japan (host) Europe: France and Spain Oceania: Australia The remaining four slots will be awarded to the four teams winning the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournaments scheduled from June 29 to July 4, 2021, in Victoria, Canada; Split, Croatia; Kaunas, Lithuania; and Belgrade Serbia. |
 | The winner of each of the above four FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournaments will take part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games |
The 12 teams will be divided into four pots based on the FIBA Men's World Ranking, presented by Nike. The distribution of the four FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournaments' future winners is based on the team with the highest ranking in each event. The Draw will distribute the teams in three groups of four teams each. There can be a maximum of two European teams in the same group and no more than one team from other continents in the same group. All teams will be drawn and placed into either Group A, B or C. Below is the draw procedure for the Tokyo 2020 Men's Olympic Basketball Tournament: |
 | Draw Procedures - Tokyo 2020 - Men's Olympic Basketball Tournament |
For more information about the Olympic Qualification system, click here. |